I see. This explains why New York Governor Cuomo was so anxious to hoard as many ventilators as possible early on in the crisis. I remember the reports of his ranting demands on the news every evening. It wasn't enough that he deliberately sent persons with COVID into nursing homes to infect the residents. What is the sport in killing shut in old people? He had to satisfy his blood lust by killing as many others as possible. After all, that is what this is all about. Don't get me started on that Pol Pot Wannabe in California.

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I read this a comment today from an ENT I follow on Twitter. (While Im a layman the use of ventilators seemed outrageous to me based on circumstances.)

“ The entire concept was a logical fallacy. Ventilators are useful for BRAIN/spinal injuries where the neurological drive to breathe has failed. The chest wall bellows drives air to the lungs, so paralysing this and replacing it with blown air through a tube will always worsen lung function and thus never was a good idea for pneumonia in anyone, only people with a reduced breathing drive or obstruction in the upper airway that could be bypassed.”

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A short paragraph that spotlights the initial insanity of the Plandemic. Clown World, Inverted. Everything was backwards, from the beginning. History not required.

So many logic gates jumped like a prize winning horse.

The Democidal hospital protocols to drive fear. To drive the 'need' for jabs. To kill.

Medicine had clearly already lost its way. We didn't see rational logical consideration of the problem and the best way to tackle it. No evidence based medicine, testing and adjusting. Just industrialised slaughter. We saw insane policies triggered in lockstep globally, lethal drugs approved like it was AZT in the 80's, and Doctors/RNs applying those policies like NPCs. Just doing their jobs, like good Germans.

I'm not saying they were all 'in on it'. It is academic what they knew. Medical professionals killed. From day 1, through to today. And they will kill again tomorrow.

How this came to be is a riddle without satisfying answer. It is 1 million things converged at this moment in time. Lies layered, codified in textbooks, automatons programmed to follow diktats. It is human corruption, influence peddling, and concentration of power. It is generational evil that has never stopped grasping for more, of everything.

Following inverted diktats is probably a big part of what broke minds. Plus the fear campaign, turned up to 1000. Critical thinking shuts down, a self-defence measure. Particularly when you have blood on your own hands.

It was a test. And the majority failed long before the jab roulette.


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Those schooled in the narrative give this response:

We know that people who are on ventilators were at high risk anyhow. They were already going to die, the ventilator is a last ditch effort at treatment.

The 190 number doesn't surprise me, was probably even lower. Back at the beginning, merely having covid like symptoms meant you had Covid.

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And we knew EXTREMELY early that lots of vented people died -- when Cuomo was bleating about needing 30,000 vents, we were already seeing 85% mortality for those put on vents. Note the date:


April 9, 2020.

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One of the absurd dictates was "Go home until you have trouble breathing". This was the command give to the indoctrinated "doctors" regarding covid. The "doctor" who was my neighbor in Kauai repeated it to me when I was there in 2020. He also was brainwashed against HCQ. Judy Mikovits said from the get-go that ventilators were the wrong treatment - but then you cue in our "leaders" who take over factories to make even more machines - that were never used. Just like the Javitts Center in NYC. There was NO pandemic; not even close - see Dr. Denis Rancourt's work. Note that the "CARES" act enabled all the covid killing. Read "Undercover Epicenter Nurse" for full details on how the killing went down in the "epicenter" of NYC. Cuomo is a mass-murderer; he outlawed the use of HCQ in New York state. Pure evil at work. Thanks Jennifer! Peace.



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