This is a huge story to help us bring down corporate/allopathic healthcare. Rite Aid filed bankruptcy. CVS just announced it has pulled a bunch of cold remedies off their shelves because they did not perform better than placebo in trials (Hmm just studying effectiveness now?). In other words, they do not work. Also, CVS and Wallgreens employees may be going on strike next week due to working conditions. Pharmacists are complaining their stores have turned into jab centers (as Jennifer just illustrated). We need to help them. Find an independent pharmacy and start doing business there. Fill prescriptions online with medical freedom companies (research them well first) Boycott corporate pharmacies (BTW, Aetna owns CVS). Even better stop ingesting the shit they sell!

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I’m done with CVS. Just switched to an Independent Pharmacy a few months ago. No problems at all. They are friendlier and compassionate and just on principal alone is why I left. QUIT SUPPORTING BIG BOX STORES. We smashed Budweiser in the dirt over a mentally deranged mess of a boy pretending to be a girl. We can all do our part! Please be part of the solution!

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Right on!

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THIS is what I've been waiting on! $10 🤗. I'll try not to spend it all in one place...oh wait.

Guess I'll head over to Walgreen's. Maybe I'll get the RSV and shingles too. Just been holding out for a $10 coupon!

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Hey remember when Pfizer showed us the study on how it’s safe to combine the Rona and the flu shots? Yeah I don’t either, but I’m seeing so many people saying that they got both shots plus the RSV one too at the same time.

Ahh well we have already seen the study on how safe it is to give babies more than one shot at a time….wait what’s that? It’s never been done? Oh well it’s not like anyone at the CDC gives a damn!

But hey that 10 bucks might buy me a greeting card.

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You can pick up a condolence card for yourself.

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Heh..good one. But how right you are.

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Is Walgreens getting the $10 or more per vax recipient back from the federal government? I’ve seen $5 offered from a local grocery store.

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I think Walgreens is just raising that bar...trying to get those folks on the 5 buck fence. 😂

CVS is only offering $5.

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Viewed from the perspective of the gross incompetence on display at the local Walgreens pharmacy, I wouldn't trust them to properly administer even so much as a euthanizing injection to a dying pet hamster. The odds are that they'd mess up the dosage and simply increase the poor animal's suffering.

These corporations have no business injecting anyone with anything. Given the known side effects and injuries, allowing anyone at all to administer these dodgy Covid prophylactics outside of a hospital setting where life support equipment is immediately available, is nothing short of criminal.

The deception about safety and efficacy is criminal in and of itself, but it's a free country and people can decide to take extreme risks with their health if they choose to do so. That said, it's not a choice when there is no informed consent.

No Amnesty

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It is so like any other commersial. Just say what is good and hide the bad. As long it is a free choice I am ok with it.

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You can't make this stuff up!

The jokes just keep coming.

Unfortunately, they aren't funny - and they are life-altering, even up to and including, death.

And our government agencies are complicit, while all the while stating the shots are not "required".

This goes well with the old Russian story about how a Russian mother would have her children removed from the home in order for her to have recreational time and have fun while the government raised her children. As one mother bitterly and succinctly put it: "I am being humored".

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They keep trying to normalize the kill shots. Walgreens, CVS, football players promoting the deadliest "product" in history. Peace.

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Unbelievable...guess they haven't gotten the message. 🙄🙄🙄

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Pass - A - Dena

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