We covered the “missing flu” years, the possibility that covid is not what they said it was, the existence of immunity to SARS COV-2 in previous CMV patients, and the FOIA that said they had no documentation of a SARS-COV-2 genomic sequence at the CDC. Today, we focus on the optics of “post pandemic” influenza.
As a mere lay person with no medical knowledge, it was obvious from the start that covid was not very deadly and people clearly had prior immunity to it and it was only going to be harmful for those who were already in God's waiting room. If it was what they had said then everyone in China would have died and they didn't. It was a scam from the start. It might well be a coronavirus, it might well just be influenza. They were all working from some playbook and I can't decide if it was merely the money to be made from continuous "vaccines" or the closing down of economies to save the banks from the recession that was coming through years of papering over the financial cracks. Or both. Or neither. But it was never a dangerous new plague.
Thank you for this. I started digging into the very non user friendly CDC site back in Mar/April 2020 and found inconsistencies from different parts of the site, and discovered the ILI term they used to hide things. They actually stated on the site, saved the screenshot, that they were 'suspending' flu surveillance in 2020. That part of the site was not updated in 2020 at all. Tried to point all of this out to the fearful back then and all I got was 'oh you are not a medical professional/expert' Of course, since then, have found a new tribe of people with common sense but felt like I was screaming into the wind back then.
Convenient for them wasn’t it?!?!? I still remember summer 2020 and the fear was already on mainstream media of. “oh my gosh the flu plus covid oh what are we going to DOOOOOO”. 🙄.
Oh and the non stop 'novel' coronavirus - we just don't 'know' anything..... Then I read that cats have coronaviruses all the time, and I have 4 cats, so was like, sweet, I am already exposed/immune, haha. But seriously, sick as a dog in Jan 2020 with all the symptoms, told people I already had it, and they laughed at me. But our blood center was testing for antibodies for convalescent plasma donors so hubby and I donated blood in Dec 2020, and guess what? We had antibodies. No mask, shots or panic for us. Have not had more than a slight cold since that Jan 2020 date and having since learned about things to keep my immune system healthy I think its safe to say that the rona was around before they made it a thing.
YES! I remember a friend of mine donating blood and said “OMG I have covid antibodies! I can’t remember being sick”!!! That was fall 2020 around the same time as you! I am with you friend…..no jab, no masks, none of the nonsense. I have been sick once in January 2022 which was allegedly “covid”. I worked full time from telehealth while I was out of the office. Cold like symptoms and fatigue. Like any other crud that goes around!
Yes, I know people who obsessively take covid tests every time their nose runs ---Still!! Think I heard on the radio the government is 'giving away' more home covid tests. (with our money). Will this madness ever end?
Great article! When this was first going down, the 'experts' added Corona to the 'ILI' list (separately, as you mention), but didn't adjust the "baseline" to account for this.
In the real world, this meant that basically any corona (or extra flu) activity would bump the stats into "pandemic" mode. IIRC the threshold was 0.4% (meaning a 0.4% rise in any ILI cases would mean pandemic categorization)
After this scamdemic-plandemic I have concluded that so much of what we are presented with is a scam, silver lining of the past three years. Love your posts.
I totally agree with everything that you have written. It is no surprise that the statistics are manipulated to fit the narrative. I am 100% sure that these statistics have been manipulated annually to create fear and apprehension to push the narrative to get the flu shot in the years prior to Covid. What really upsets me is realizing that I never questioned these numbers, and like my colleagues encouraged my patients to get the annual flu vaccine. Covid has opened my eyes to the shenanigans that have gone on in clear day light with most of the medical community unaware that they along with their patients were being scammed. The low rate of flu and RSV in 2020 and 2021 could also be the result of viral interference. With Covid being the new virus, it could have suppressed infections by RSV and the flu those two years thru the production of interferons that were taken up in uninfected cells and blocked those other viruses. Your point that enteroviruses, other corona viruses, adenoviruses and rhinoviruses were still in circulation is well taken. Having said this, I have no way of knowing what role any of these myriad viruses played in ILI in those two years since they are not usually tracked specifically but broadly grouped into the ILI category. Children born in those two years are now 1 and 2 years old and conceivably their immune system is naive with respect to RSV and the flu hence they would be vulnerable to them. Likewise, the 1 and 2 year olds in 2020 and 2021 are now 2 and 3 or older but still may be immunologically naive to the flu and RSV for the simple fact that these viruses were not circulating in high numbers then. Certainly, the other respiratory viruses were circulating back then, and no one knows if viral interference was at play or not but doesn't seem like anyone was looking very hard to find out what was what. I find this very strange, indeed, that independent doctors who still have integrity and scientific curiosity are now doing the heavy lifting to uncover the deceptions and the truths about this "vaccine". There certainly isn't any interest on the part of the powers to be to do it. Now that Covid is endemic, all the respiratory viruses are at play and these previously mentioned children are now at risk. Also, take into account the number of children who were given the Covid jab and are now more susceptible to Covid. The seniors, in spite of flu vaccines and Covid boosters have a sub optimal response due to immune senescence and are likewise at risk. This holds true even for those who did not receive the flu shot or the Covid shot. As far as the genome for Covid. There is no genome for any known zoonotic since it is a synthetic virus. Alex Washburne did a brilliant job of analyzing the virus by reverse transcribing it into DNA and finding the splices of the DNA sequences used to synthetically construct the virus. The cherry on the cake was adding the augmented spike that was the work of Ralph Baric of the University of North Carolina, Peter Daszak of EcoHealth and the infamous bat woman of Wuhan. Thanks for all the time that you put into crunching the numbers. Merry Christmas to all and a sincere wish for a happy, healthy and holy new year. May God continue to bless all of you.
Very well said my friend! I, too, spent the majority of my career never questioning one single vaccine we gave. I personally did not get the flu shot, but not once did I ever doubt my parents getting theirs or my patients wanting one. The past 3 years have been a massive awakening from the cognitive dissonance I never realized I had. Anecdotally, my elderly patients are getting “eaten alive” by illness this winter. They are all flu shotted and omicron boosted. A colleague in my office has been in the hospital since 2 weeks after her omicron booster. They are 73 years old with a multitude of comorbid health issues and now their immune system just does not work. Cognitively, they are not able to do their work any longer. Intact and good prior to October 2022.
I absolutely agree with the illness in these littles right now. They keep getting hammered over and over and over with every single circulating bug. The majority of them, if not in daycare throughout 2020-2021, have not experienced the exposure to the “kid bugs” that lead to immune recognition. As you said, add in the covid vaccine and a flu shot, and insult to injury.
Being in psychiatry and not primary care, I have ramped up my documentation of physical health just for the sake of watching trends in my patient population. I used to just ask if there were any new meds/dx from PCP since their last appt and cross check interactions. Since covid started, I have documented if they have had covid, how many times, how many vaccines, and yearly flu shots. Who knows, maybe someday that will help in someone’s chart review of harms done through the last 3 years. I remember the days of patients not having covid was the norm, and now it is covid infection 2,3,4 for several of them. I have also sent more people to neurology and cardiology in 2022 than in years past due to constellations of symptoms that are just not typical of anything previously seen in the generally walking well population I see in private practice. I have also seen a massive rise in disability/FMLA paperwork requests that have substantial neurological/physical health reasons for the paperwork to be submitted.
Merry merry Christmas to you my friend……thank you for all you do! We just keep on keepin’ on the best we can! I thoroughly enjoy your replies and dialogue on here! :)
Interesting that you are keeping this data. That would be frowned upon by the establishment, which is why it is so important. If you are interested, I would be willing to give you our software, you can create your own CRFs and track this stuff longitudinally. Then, you can give it to the Mathew Crawfords of the world and tell them to have at it. Let me know if you are interested, the software runs natively on all 3 platforms (web, ios and android) so you can do this with your phone. You can even encourage your colleagues to participate.
That is the narrative I hear. The flu disappeared and that is why masks work.
Then why did covid stay? They couldn't answer that...or if they do they claim it would have been so much worse had we not worn masks...you mean like Sweden? Sweden is a smoking apocalypse right now because they didn't mask. Of course Florida is heading that way...as is one of the Dakotas...all smoking landscapes littered in dead bodies...or not.
Excellent writing as always. I have never got a flu shot, got "COVID" when everybody did, Thanksgiving 2020, just before the release of the "vaccines". It was a mild case, much more mild than any flu I had in the past. I still believe that viral interference is in play. COVID was made in a lab, whether or not it is an actual corona virus does not matter. I completely agree, this was all about vaccines and making the rich richer and the poor poorer. Amazing how effective a tool fear was. We have become a world of cowards, not all, but most. I kept myself and family away for the "vaccines" (what a joke) and for that judgement I am grateful.
I am sure you are noticing the same trends I am seeing……..my patients who got the new quadrivalent flu shot this year are the sick ones!! I never get the flu shot either. Proud of you for using knowledge and your own research to protect you and your family. The best decision you ever made! ❤️
"Why did they want it to never mingle with flu?" Because interferon said no?
The explanation that seems plausible is that while one of the "engineering features" of covid is its ability to delay the early interferon response of the innate immune system the interferon response (now damaged?) does kick in and knock out whatever virus it can including flu virus - so few covid / flu co-infections. The early 2020 reports from the chinese were few covid / flu co-infections
As all the engineering seems to be in the "spike" and code for the making the spike was put into the "shot" I expect the interference with interferon feature was put into the "spike". With most all infected with covid and many infected again, and over and over "spiked" from the shots Innate immunity is shot, interferon response is damaged? so people are now open to infection
Was it because it actually was a lab manipulated flu. lab manipulated no doubt. I have seen and read reports of its sequencing from all over the world . Never any reports other than corona virus.
Nice. Your favorite graph of all - pink flat line was the year that anything respiratory was being called Covid19 and those numbers were seperated weren't they? See the work of ... I can't remember the name well enough and what I remember of Twitter @ isn't autofilling enough info. The person showed that the flu statistics were bad and Fauci was lying the whole time he said the flu had disappeared. It was being called Covid instead in 2020 and the suspicion being implied is that Fauci was trying to redirect attention away from US research on the H1N1 or Spanish flu virus strain of flu. Something like that.
I've been following and reading everything Covid for the past 3 yrs, and I too believe that viral interference played a part in the flu disappearing in 2020. I thought of it as a "battle of the fittest". I haven't heard of anything else that makes sense. My best friend is a nurse practictoner working in a very busy pediatric office. Although we do not discuss covid/vaccines, etc because we don't agree on those subjects, we do talk about what she sees in her office. I like to assess all info and come to a conclusion based on what's happening around me. Last year RSV and Mono were crazy, with RSV occurring in college age kids and Mono in kids as young as 5. Bizarre..... reactivation of latent illnesses? immune system deregulation? Not totally sure of that one....This year- my friend normally sees 25 patients a day, last few weeks she seen approx 40 a day and 9 out of 10 are positive for flu. I personally know a lot of people with the flu, a couple with covid, no one with rsv. I do believe there's an honest increase in flu this year, not exactly sure why yet, but since we screwed around with nature and the whole immunological landscape of the country seems all messed up as a result, I'm not surprised.....
As a mere lay person with no medical knowledge, it was obvious from the start that covid was not very deadly and people clearly had prior immunity to it and it was only going to be harmful for those who were already in God's waiting room. If it was what they had said then everyone in China would have died and they didn't. It was a scam from the start. It might well be a coronavirus, it might well just be influenza. They were all working from some playbook and I can't decide if it was merely the money to be made from continuous "vaccines" or the closing down of economies to save the banks from the recession that was coming through years of papering over the financial cracks. Or both. Or neither. But it was never a dangerous new plague.
Thank you for this. I started digging into the very non user friendly CDC site back in Mar/April 2020 and found inconsistencies from different parts of the site, and discovered the ILI term they used to hide things. They actually stated on the site, saved the screenshot, that they were 'suspending' flu surveillance in 2020. That part of the site was not updated in 2020 at all. Tried to point all of this out to the fearful back then and all I got was 'oh you are not a medical professional/expert' Of course, since then, have found a new tribe of people with common sense but felt like I was screaming into the wind back then.
Convenient for them wasn’t it?!?!? I still remember summer 2020 and the fear was already on mainstream media of. “oh my gosh the flu plus covid oh what are we going to DOOOOOO”. 🙄.
Oh and the non stop 'novel' coronavirus - we just don't 'know' anything..... Then I read that cats have coronaviruses all the time, and I have 4 cats, so was like, sweet, I am already exposed/immune, haha. But seriously, sick as a dog in Jan 2020 with all the symptoms, told people I already had it, and they laughed at me. But our blood center was testing for antibodies for convalescent plasma donors so hubby and I donated blood in Dec 2020, and guess what? We had antibodies. No mask, shots or panic for us. Have not had more than a slight cold since that Jan 2020 date and having since learned about things to keep my immune system healthy I think its safe to say that the rona was around before they made it a thing.
YES! I remember a friend of mine donating blood and said “OMG I have covid antibodies! I can’t remember being sick”!!! That was fall 2020 around the same time as you! I am with you friend…..no jab, no masks, none of the nonsense. I have been sick once in January 2022 which was allegedly “covid”. I worked full time from telehealth while I was out of the office. Cold like symptoms and fatigue. Like any other crud that goes around!
Yes, I know people who obsessively take covid tests every time their nose runs ---Still!! Think I heard on the radio the government is 'giving away' more home covid tests. (with our money). Will this madness ever end?
Great article! When this was first going down, the 'experts' added Corona to the 'ILI' list (separately, as you mention), but didn't adjust the "baseline" to account for this.
In the real world, this meant that basically any corona (or extra flu) activity would bump the stats into "pandemic" mode. IIRC the threshold was 0.4% (meaning a 0.4% rise in any ILI cases would mean pandemic categorization)
After this scamdemic-plandemic I have concluded that so much of what we are presented with is a scam, silver lining of the past three years. Love your posts.
I totally agree with everything that you have written. It is no surprise that the statistics are manipulated to fit the narrative. I am 100% sure that these statistics have been manipulated annually to create fear and apprehension to push the narrative to get the flu shot in the years prior to Covid. What really upsets me is realizing that I never questioned these numbers, and like my colleagues encouraged my patients to get the annual flu vaccine. Covid has opened my eyes to the shenanigans that have gone on in clear day light with most of the medical community unaware that they along with their patients were being scammed. The low rate of flu and RSV in 2020 and 2021 could also be the result of viral interference. With Covid being the new virus, it could have suppressed infections by RSV and the flu those two years thru the production of interferons that were taken up in uninfected cells and blocked those other viruses. Your point that enteroviruses, other corona viruses, adenoviruses and rhinoviruses were still in circulation is well taken. Having said this, I have no way of knowing what role any of these myriad viruses played in ILI in those two years since they are not usually tracked specifically but broadly grouped into the ILI category. Children born in those two years are now 1 and 2 years old and conceivably their immune system is naive with respect to RSV and the flu hence they would be vulnerable to them. Likewise, the 1 and 2 year olds in 2020 and 2021 are now 2 and 3 or older but still may be immunologically naive to the flu and RSV for the simple fact that these viruses were not circulating in high numbers then. Certainly, the other respiratory viruses were circulating back then, and no one knows if viral interference was at play or not but doesn't seem like anyone was looking very hard to find out what was what. I find this very strange, indeed, that independent doctors who still have integrity and scientific curiosity are now doing the heavy lifting to uncover the deceptions and the truths about this "vaccine". There certainly isn't any interest on the part of the powers to be to do it. Now that Covid is endemic, all the respiratory viruses are at play and these previously mentioned children are now at risk. Also, take into account the number of children who were given the Covid jab and are now more susceptible to Covid. The seniors, in spite of flu vaccines and Covid boosters have a sub optimal response due to immune senescence and are likewise at risk. This holds true even for those who did not receive the flu shot or the Covid shot. As far as the genome for Covid. There is no genome for any known zoonotic since it is a synthetic virus. Alex Washburne did a brilliant job of analyzing the virus by reverse transcribing it into DNA and finding the splices of the DNA sequences used to synthetically construct the virus. The cherry on the cake was adding the augmented spike that was the work of Ralph Baric of the University of North Carolina, Peter Daszak of EcoHealth and the infamous bat woman of Wuhan. Thanks for all the time that you put into crunching the numbers. Merry Christmas to all and a sincere wish for a happy, healthy and holy new year. May God continue to bless all of you.
Very well said my friend! I, too, spent the majority of my career never questioning one single vaccine we gave. I personally did not get the flu shot, but not once did I ever doubt my parents getting theirs or my patients wanting one. The past 3 years have been a massive awakening from the cognitive dissonance I never realized I had. Anecdotally, my elderly patients are getting “eaten alive” by illness this winter. They are all flu shotted and omicron boosted. A colleague in my office has been in the hospital since 2 weeks after her omicron booster. They are 73 years old with a multitude of comorbid health issues and now their immune system just does not work. Cognitively, they are not able to do their work any longer. Intact and good prior to October 2022.
I absolutely agree with the illness in these littles right now. They keep getting hammered over and over and over with every single circulating bug. The majority of them, if not in daycare throughout 2020-2021, have not experienced the exposure to the “kid bugs” that lead to immune recognition. As you said, add in the covid vaccine and a flu shot, and insult to injury.
Being in psychiatry and not primary care, I have ramped up my documentation of physical health just for the sake of watching trends in my patient population. I used to just ask if there were any new meds/dx from PCP since their last appt and cross check interactions. Since covid started, I have documented if they have had covid, how many times, how many vaccines, and yearly flu shots. Who knows, maybe someday that will help in someone’s chart review of harms done through the last 3 years. I remember the days of patients not having covid was the norm, and now it is covid infection 2,3,4 for several of them. I have also sent more people to neurology and cardiology in 2022 than in years past due to constellations of symptoms that are just not typical of anything previously seen in the generally walking well population I see in private practice. I have also seen a massive rise in disability/FMLA paperwork requests that have substantial neurological/physical health reasons for the paperwork to be submitted.
Merry merry Christmas to you my friend……thank you for all you do! We just keep on keepin’ on the best we can! I thoroughly enjoy your replies and dialogue on here! :)
Interesting that you are keeping this data. That would be frowned upon by the establishment, which is why it is so important. If you are interested, I would be willing to give you our software, you can create your own CRFs and track this stuff longitudinally. Then, you can give it to the Mathew Crawfords of the world and tell them to have at it. Let me know if you are interested, the software runs natively on all 3 platforms (web, ios and android) so you can do this with your phone. You can even encourage your colleagues to participate.
I agree with your assessment. Thank you.
That is the narrative I hear. The flu disappeared and that is why masks work.
Then why did covid stay? They couldn't answer that...or if they do they claim it would have been so much worse had we not worn masks...you mean like Sweden? Sweden is a smoking apocalypse right now because they didn't mask. Of course Florida is heading that way...as is one of the Dakotas...all smoking landscapes littered in dead bodies...or not.
Excellent writing as always. I have never got a flu shot, got "COVID" when everybody did, Thanksgiving 2020, just before the release of the "vaccines". It was a mild case, much more mild than any flu I had in the past. I still believe that viral interference is in play. COVID was made in a lab, whether or not it is an actual corona virus does not matter. I completely agree, this was all about vaccines and making the rich richer and the poor poorer. Amazing how effective a tool fear was. We have become a world of cowards, not all, but most. I kept myself and family away for the "vaccines" (what a joke) and for that judgement I am grateful.
I am sure you are noticing the same trends I am seeing……..my patients who got the new quadrivalent flu shot this year are the sick ones!! I never get the flu shot either. Proud of you for using knowledge and your own research to protect you and your family. The best decision you ever made! ❤️
Yes, after the last 3 years, believe it or not, I have trust issues :).
LOL I hear ya on the trust issues!
Jennifer, you and yours have a very Merry Christmas! Thanks for standing up for what you believe, we need many more just like you!
"Why did they want it to never mingle with flu?" Because interferon said no?
The explanation that seems plausible is that while one of the "engineering features" of covid is its ability to delay the early interferon response of the innate immune system the interferon response (now damaged?) does kick in and knock out whatever virus it can including flu virus - so few covid / flu co-infections. The early 2020 reports from the chinese were few covid / flu co-infections
As all the engineering seems to be in the "spike" and code for the making the spike was put into the "shot" I expect the interference with interferon feature was put into the "spike". With most all infected with covid and many infected again, and over and over "spiked" from the shots Innate immunity is shot, interferon response is damaged? so people are now open to infection
Was it because it actually was a lab manipulated flu. lab manipulated no doubt. I have seen and read reports of its sequencing from all over the world . Never any reports other than corona virus.
Nice. Your favorite graph of all - pink flat line was the year that anything respiratory was being called Covid19 and those numbers were seperated weren't they? See the work of ... I can't remember the name well enough and what I remember of Twitter @ isn't autofilling enough info. The person showed that the flu statistics were bad and Fauci was lying the whole time he said the flu had disappeared. It was being called Covid instead in 2020 and the suspicion being implied is that Fauci was trying to redirect attention away from US research on the H1N1 or Spanish flu virus strain of flu. Something like that.
I will go digging! Thank you!
I've been following and reading everything Covid for the past 3 yrs, and I too believe that viral interference played a part in the flu disappearing in 2020. I thought of it as a "battle of the fittest". I haven't heard of anything else that makes sense. My best friend is a nurse practictoner working in a very busy pediatric office. Although we do not discuss covid/vaccines, etc because we don't agree on those subjects, we do talk about what she sees in her office. I like to assess all info and come to a conclusion based on what's happening around me. Last year RSV and Mono were crazy, with RSV occurring in college age kids and Mono in kids as young as 5. Bizarre..... reactivation of latent illnesses? immune system deregulation? Not totally sure of that one....This year- my friend normally sees 25 patients a day, last few weeks she seen approx 40 a day and 9 out of 10 are positive for flu. I personally know a lot of people with the flu, a couple with covid, no one with rsv. I do believe there's an honest increase in flu this year, not exactly sure why yet, but since we screwed around with nature and the whole immunological landscape of the country seems all messed up as a result, I'm not surprised.....
"Tucker Carlson: 2022 was the year of lying" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29-jnvRU_0Y
4:59 "If the chinese military unleashed a deadly manufactured flu virus on the world .........."
In the contest of the rest of the comment Tucker is saying?