Today we pause from the usual covid discussion and remember the horrific day that September 11, 2001 was. Most of us can remember pivotal days in our history that forever changed America: Pearl Harbor, the assassination of JFK, the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger, Ruby Ridge, Waco Texas bombing and raid of David Koresch, the bombing of the Alfred P.
I understand 911 within the context of the battle between the Forces of Light and the forces of darkness.
The Forces of Light working Their Plan, from inner and outer levels, to "Show", at scale, how All may live the free and abundant life on planet earth "until the sun burns out". That such knowledge will then enable the steps necessary to move the earth into a GOLDEN AGE.
while the forces of darkness work their plan, coordinated on the inner, then manifesting as all manner of evil in our world, appearing to act independently, working to fulfill the goal of evil for total control, to then enable their genetic manipulation of the human race to the point where the members of the human race are no longer able to sustain contact, at inner levels, with God's Light which enables the proper operation of the laws of karma needed for the balancing of karma needed for evolution into God's Consciousness.
I witnessed the full outpicturing of the long planned favorite tactic of the dark forces with their "preemption of the cycle", in 1998, of THE PLAN of The Forces of Light. Remember that time where we had $1.00 gas, $300.00 per ounce gold and the national debt was truly on a path to be paid off? That was part of the field that was set, at that time, by The Forces of Light for the efficient outworking of Their Plan.
Do you remember all the points where the plotters could have been uncovered and then 911 never would have been. All the points where some divine intervention would have saved the day. Heaven has rules. Ask and you will receive. The group charged with asking God for help to keep foreign terrorism off our shores was in disarray with the "preemption of the cycle". They were off their posts.
We call 911 when there is trouble, big trouble. 911 is TROUBLE, BIG TROUBLE. 911 was the opening move by the dark forces for total control of our world.
My father and I watched together as the North tower burned, the second plane crashed into the South Tower and as the Towers collapsed. My father cried out in anguish " What were we doing over there!". My father knew "our" involvement in the arab countrys led to 911 . My father knew who has flown the planes into the towers. When I saw True Heros working the "pile" I cried out in anguish "put on your N95 masks!" "PUT ON YOUR N95 MASKS!" I knew what was in the air they were breathing. I knew many would suffer and die.
During that time, when I was alone, I cried.. I was alone today. I cried again today.
A forgotten aspect of that date is the flight 93 crash in Pennsylvania. Multiple quotes from people including the mayor saying no bodies, no identifiable plane parts, nothing like a plane crash. A gigantic "Hmm?"
Just yesterday I joined the site. Some great people there doing some hard research and many feeling hopeful that the truth will out soon.
Oh my gosh you are gonna love the 911truth site!!!!! My husband spent hours combing thru that site. There is also a 9/11 truther TikTok channel that has a bunch of engineers and whatnot that make short 2 min videos that has fantastic info.
The story we were told that day is certainly not what happened. I agree…..I think we are close to hearing the real story of 9/11.
The Pentagon, too. Nothing consistent about that site.
So many threads, loose and easily pulled. I was late to this realisation, had swallowed the whole narrative until embarrassingly recent times.
An elegant - and tragic - example of the power to influence an entire population. Fear and shock, bypassing the evolved parts of the brain and indelibly etching The Message. Applied to our modern challenges, the parallels leap out. Psyops have come a long way in 20 years.
So, to the fallen. Those many innocents who fell at the hands of evil men and women on that day. Stripped away from those they loved and were loved by; voids never to be filled. Justice still patiently waiting for its time. Ranks of the fallen now bursting with millions of equally tragic additions.
It is the same arc of history. We arrived here from there. From then.
Ah, yes, the Pentagon, the conveniently missing few frames, the missing motors, wings, tail, wreckage in general. But carefully placed bits later on appeared.
In Australia at the time I was following a WW2 airman who was up on this stuff, & he was very clear that not all was right with it from his crash investigation experience.
But for me it was the eyewitness account of someone who happened to be in the right place at the right time in their 4th or 5th floor apartment. They were very clear that whatever passed by their window was not a passenger plane and was most certainly a rocket from the speed and length of time taken to pass, plus the screaming jet noise. That report disappeared quick smart.
Then there's the explosion analysis of the frames from the security camera, just not the actual moment before impact, by those who know their explosives, many agreed it was bomb stuff not jet fuel by the colour etc.
Oh, yeah, the early photos showed a small hole but later on it was considerably enlarged. Hmm?
Scorch marks from one jet on the grass later covered with sand!
I understand 911 within the context of the battle between the Forces of Light and the forces of darkness.
The Forces of Light working Their Plan, from inner and outer levels, to "Show", at scale, how All may live the free and abundant life on planet earth "until the sun burns out". That such knowledge will then enable the steps necessary to move the earth into a GOLDEN AGE.
while the forces of darkness work their plan, coordinated on the inner, then manifesting as all manner of evil in our world, appearing to act independently, working to fulfill the goal of evil for total control, to then enable their genetic manipulation of the human race to the point where the members of the human race are no longer able to sustain contact, at inner levels, with God's Light which enables the proper operation of the laws of karma needed for the balancing of karma needed for evolution into God's Consciousness.
I witnessed the full outpicturing of the long planned favorite tactic of the dark forces with their "preemption of the cycle", in 1998, of THE PLAN of The Forces of Light. Remember that time where we had $1.00 gas, $300.00 per ounce gold and the national debt was truly on a path to be paid off? That was part of the field that was set, at that time, by The Forces of Light for the efficient outworking of Their Plan.
Do you remember all the points where the plotters could have been uncovered and then 911 never would have been. All the points where some divine intervention would have saved the day. Heaven has rules. Ask and you will receive. The group charged with asking God for help to keep foreign terrorism off our shores was in disarray with the "preemption of the cycle". They were off their posts.
We call 911 when there is trouble, big trouble. 911 is TROUBLE, BIG TROUBLE. 911 was the opening move by the dark forces for total control of our world.
My father and I watched together as the North tower burned, the second plane crashed into the South Tower and as the Towers collapsed. My father cried out in anguish " What were we doing over there!". My father knew "our" involvement in the arab countrys led to 911 . My father knew who has flown the planes into the towers. When I saw True Heros working the "pile" I cried out in anguish "put on your N95 masks!" "PUT ON YOUR N95 MASKS!" I knew what was in the air they were breathing. I knew many would suffer and die.
During that time, when I was alone, I cried.. I was alone today. I cried again today.
A forgotten aspect of that date is the flight 93 crash in Pennsylvania. Multiple quotes from people including the mayor saying no bodies, no identifiable plane parts, nothing like a plane crash. A gigantic "Hmm?"
Just yesterday I joined the site. Some great people there doing some hard research and many feeling hopeful that the truth will out soon.
Oh my gosh you are gonna love the 911truth site!!!!! My husband spent hours combing thru that site. There is also a 9/11 truther TikTok channel that has a bunch of engineers and whatnot that make short 2 min videos that has fantastic info.
The story we were told that day is certainly not what happened. I agree…..I think we are close to hearing the real story of 9/11.
Thanks. I did a bucket load of research at the time and feel I know quite a bit of the dirty dealings but always open for more.
The Pentagon, too. Nothing consistent about that site.
So many threads, loose and easily pulled. I was late to this realisation, had swallowed the whole narrative until embarrassingly recent times.
An elegant - and tragic - example of the power to influence an entire population. Fear and shock, bypassing the evolved parts of the brain and indelibly etching The Message. Applied to our modern challenges, the parallels leap out. Psyops have come a long way in 20 years.
So, to the fallen. Those many innocents who fell at the hands of evil men and women on that day. Stripped away from those they loved and were loved by; voids never to be filled. Justice still patiently waiting for its time. Ranks of the fallen now bursting with millions of equally tragic additions.
It is the same arc of history. We arrived here from there. From then.
Ah, yes, the Pentagon, the conveniently missing few frames, the missing motors, wings, tail, wreckage in general. But carefully placed bits later on appeared.
In Australia at the time I was following a WW2 airman who was up on this stuff, & he was very clear that not all was right with it from his crash investigation experience.
But for me it was the eyewitness account of someone who happened to be in the right place at the right time in their 4th or 5th floor apartment. They were very clear that whatever passed by their window was not a passenger plane and was most certainly a rocket from the speed and length of time taken to pass, plus the screaming jet noise. That report disappeared quick smart.
Then there's the explosion analysis of the frames from the security camera, just not the actual moment before impact, by those who know their explosives, many agreed it was bomb stuff not jet fuel by the colour etc.
Oh, yeah, the early photos showed a small hole but later on it was considerably enlarged. Hmm?
Scorch marks from one jet on the grass later covered with sand!
Yes, on it goes, page after page of anomalies.