Our ruling class is depraved. They burn our cities, corrupt our political system, turn universities into hate-filled propaganda factories, censor our news, castrate children, and have orgies in Senate Hearing Chambers. Of course they would not shrink from mass murder that they blame on their victims for "eating and smoking too much." Unless power is wrested from the greedy hands of these human monsters we should all expect more of the same (or worse) ahead.

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You are exactly right. May I add the sheep who continue to follow these monsters are a big part of the problem. People simply cannot wake up.

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They are lambs being led to slaughter and taking the rest of us unwillingly along with them.

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An early warning program would require admitting the vaccines caused harm or have the potential to harm along with acknowledging those that took it are basically in a clinical trial. It is hard to have an early warning program when you don’t even acknowledge vaccination is a common denominator along with the fact a lot of them just die suddenly/unexpectedly. I’m not big on commissions, most of them just further the cover up. They will never be able to set up an unbiased one since it would inevitably be stacked with experts from the industries involved.

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Calling for Congress to investigate? THAT is the crux of the problem. Congress is not the one with the power, it's the unelected bureaucrats and their agencies. It's just like all the other issues - Congress holds a hearing. Said bureaucrats smirk, lie, obfuscate or claim 'ongoing investigation'. Members of Congress act tough, give grandstanding speeches, and send the video off to their fundraising team. No one goes to jail, no one is fired, no budgets are cut. Until Congress decides to starve the beast, nothing is going to change.

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Yes, ma’am! Well stated and true on every point. However Congress will NEVER decide to starve the beast because of its symbiotic relationship with it. What will force them to represent their constituencies and not their so-called CONSCIENCE? We shall see.

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Trump was heading in the right direction when he started trying to relocate some of these agencies out of the DC area. The culture is toxic and everything is about self preservation. They all go to the same cocktail parties and they all get infested with the same groupthink and palm greasing.

Some of this hinges on We the People -- seems our culture/too many people look to the government - 'there ought to be a law...' - to 'fix' all that ails society. We spend billions and billions of dollars and none of said problems is any closer to being fixed. And the more laws (188K pages in the code of federal regulations!) the more enforcers, interpreters, and monitors are needed.

And with all those pages, it's easy for some group of bureaucrats on a power trip find something to go after anyone who has either gotten sideways with the Official Narrative, or is a political enemy. Just like the arcane accounting fraud language from Sarbanes-Oxley being used against the J6 protestors.

If you look hard enough, we are all lawbreakers, whether we know it or not!

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The Ds hated these measures and Schedule F, Executive Order 13957. Of course Biden squashed that one on his first day.


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Wow - that's the problem with Executive Orders - too easy for the next administration to undo them. Too bad we don't have a functioning Congress that looks out for the taxpayers funding the preservation of dead wood in these agencies.

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Kory talks about evaluating EUA. What a joke. You cannot get EUA unless no other treatment is available. So when many studies were showing great efficacy using HCQ, Dr. Fauci commissioned a South American study on HCQ. First, he recruited the sickest people he could find, which flies in the face of any clinical research study. Then he purposely increased the dosages to extremely toxic levels. Then he took this fraudulent study and used it with his FDA pals (soon to be board members of big pharma companies) to prove there is no alternative to the fake vaccines. That bit of corruption has led to the death of millions and maiming of perhaps 5 times that. But, Fauci walks around like he is a celebrity and nobody (other than Bobby Kennedy) even talks about what he has done. Not only did the vaccines kill and maim and continue to kill and maim, but denying a 50 cent pill that has proven to be a miracle drug since the 50's, because it was too dangerous, took many more lives.

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How can you exercise when you are sick from the COVID vaccine? CDC has lost it's way if it every had a way$$$

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HHS (CDC, NIH, FDA) is now the most corrupt government agency in the history of the US. When we talk about cleaning house, we need to take out the top 20 people at each of these corrupt agencies. Are there, however, 60 honest people left to take their place?

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I disagree…I believe that most, if not all, agencies need to be dismantled. Deep corruption has tainted each and every agency, and they need to be trimmed down to specific duties with heavy oversight applied to each. Agencies and their regulations have taken over governing duties, and people need to Wake Up!

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Agreed ... starting with HHS!

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