My cynicism is showing. This looks like an issue that the Left would really get behind. Especially if they get to kill not only the babies, but the mother as well. Talk about advancing the agenda! Was this put on the ballot now to give more incentive for Democrats to go to the polls this year? Despite the hype, I have heard enthusiasm on that side of the fence is kind of tepid right now. As if it needs to be said, they want to kill us.

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I live in Missouri so I read em.

the minimum wage/paid sick time amendment looks good EXCEPT for exempting government and schools from the rule. it's almost like someone stuck that language in to get the vote shot down.

no chance in hell I'd vote yes for any amendment codifying pay and benefits for law enforcement officials, especially both past and present.

gaming commission? fuck them being in the constitution. like the sheriffs, they can get money by the "free" market. they should have no control over regulation.

the malpractice protections in the abortion amendment shouldn't exist for ANY type of medical practitioner performing ANY procedure.

for the citizen-only voting, that amendment is rather poorly worded and should be a line-item instead of including a ban on ranked choice voting and using vague language which could eliminate all but one independent candidate during Party primaries...

not really a good spread. most of that crap should be legislation and not constitutional amendments.

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Oy! So this is the ridiculous drivel considered for constitutional amendments these days. Lawmakers must be ignorant imbeciles. I'm still surprised Missouri passed the law making it OK to amend the constitution in the first place. The language is pathetic, the proposed amendments are pathetic... Just ahhh, shaking my head.

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Moving abortion to the states was supposed to open an honest dialog. That dialog was supposed to include the incredibly violent procedure used to kill babies. Instead, we have reproductive healthcare. More word salad to cover up the truth. If an expectant mother knew the violent death she would be putting her own baby through, I doubt they could go through with it.


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Replace the word 'abortion' with 'euthanasia' and observe how close is the slippery slope.

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I get your sentiment however, euthanasia is a “painless killing” and in abortion there is absolutely horrific pain and suffering as the baby is cut to pieces. I shudder to think of what they do to/with a baby of late term abortion.

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