Vaping is just another way to self induce medical problems. Thirty years from now, vapers will be whining the exact same excuses as the smokers did---We had NO IDEA (insert action here) was bad for us!
I say get it over with. If you want to suck in chemicals/flavoring/smoke into your lungs, then go suck on a tailpipe attached to a running motor and leave the rest of us out of your suicidal ideations.
Great informative article. I learned a lot about vaping, nicotine, and again you confirmed my distrust of Pharma, Chantix, and the FDA. Why do the very public employees we are supposed to trust with our health keep betraying us?
Unbelievable that the captured FDA will put thin back on the market. Ahh well they did the same with Vioxx.
"Nicotine gets the bad rap, but in reality it is the chemicals added to tobacco that cause the most problems."
On of Grisham's novels said that big tobacco adds 4,000 chemicals to cigarettes and they made it so it’s both harmful and addictive.
I had physical and psychological issues when I tried to quit smoking and used a hypnosis tape from Max Kirsten and was able to just quit with relative ease and no issues. Easy peasy.
Vaping is just another way to self induce medical problems. Thirty years from now, vapers will be whining the exact same excuses as the smokers did---We had NO IDEA (insert action here) was bad for us!
I say get it over with. If you want to suck in chemicals/flavoring/smoke into your lungs, then go suck on a tailpipe attached to a running motor and leave the rest of us out of your suicidal ideations.
Great informative article. I learned a lot about vaping, nicotine, and again you confirmed my distrust of Pharma, Chantix, and the FDA. Why do the very public employees we are supposed to trust with our health keep betraying us?
Unbelievable that the captured FDA will put thin back on the market. Ahh well they did the same with Vioxx.
"Nicotine gets the bad rap, but in reality it is the chemicals added to tobacco that cause the most problems."
On of Grisham's novels said that big tobacco adds 4,000 chemicals to cigarettes and they made it so it’s both harmful and addictive.
I had physical and psychological issues when I tried to quit smoking and used a hypnosis tape from Max Kirsten and was able to just quit with relative ease and no issues. Easy peasy.
And I didn’t believe that it would work, but I gave it a try anyway.