It was never about the jab, it was all about the power and they went all in.

Their former darkness is now in the light, and those with eyes will not be fooled again.

They lit the darkness thinking we could not stop them.

We need to train the hot lights on them permanently.

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Yes, well known and known well before Jan 2021. The "clinical trials," such as they were, did not -- 𝒅𝒊𝒅 𝒏𝒐𝒕 -- include "interruption of transmission (person-to-person spread)." The British Medical Journal (BMJ) documented this in their Oct 2020 edition. This applied to all seven of the "vaccines" that the BMJ reviewed for its article.

So. The junk was never even trialed for its ability to "stop transmission." Yet marketed by scum like Fauci and Walensky as such and that lie furthered by media scum. It's a fine country we got here.

The link to the BMJ piece: https://www.bmj.com/content/371/bmj.m4037

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Courtesy of "Northern Truth Seeker" I found out about and listened to these podcasts from Jeff Rense last night. They're horrific.

💣 Dec. 27, '23 - https://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/rense/special/rense_122723_hr2.mp3

💣 Dec. 29, '23 - https://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/rense/special/rense_122923_hr2.mp3

💣 Jan. 01, '23 - https://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/rense/special/rense_010124_hr2.mp3

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Thank you, Capt. Listening to the Jan 1 one now.

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Most of the people I talk to now refer to this establishment as idiots. I call them scum of the Earth bc they aren't idiots, they knew exactly what they were doing all along. There were NO mistakes, they simply lied right from the very beginning and they continued to double down. I am just glad I saw the lies right when they first started out!

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Even idiots like me knew it -- which is why we had to be removed from the conversation. They could never respond to the basic logical statement of "If this doesn't stop transmission, any protection is purely personal -- so why the mandate?"

They just kicked us out of society instead.

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LOL, taking a trip down memory lane. The quickly lost that tag "Breakthrough Cases" when it became obvious that everybody who was forced or voluntarily took the clot shot would be getting covid again and again.

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I thought they worked are working as they planned, depop. Too many people. Just decided to give everyone else the, for your safety, 2 more weeks, smoke show, safe and effective bs.

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Also remember that Pfizer knew that 1,223 people had died in the first 3 months after the jabs were approved and tens of thousands of people had severe adverse effects. So Walensky, Fauci and Collins knew how bad they were and yet 8 months later they mandated them. How many people died since February when they did that? And we know that none of the people involved in this mass murder will never be held accountable. Why? Because our government gave big pharma total immunity for anything they did.

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I’m still in a legal battle over my refusal to get the shot. Going on over 2 years, they still won’t stop with the same nonsense: it’s disgraceful, they should be ashamed.

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Similar to my comment issued numerous times: All these people merit a "hot squat" in the electric chair. Though again, I still prefer the guillotine: No ambiguity, no possibility of faking it. Their executions must be public, and televised. Nothing less is adequate.

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There were no clinical trials. The EUA is still in place that provides a shield ( immoral ) for the criminals. They are God-less people; they knew exactly what they were doing. The "elites" are parasites. Even Meryl Nass thinks that the gene-therapy shots are licensed:


You can't make this stuff up. Thank you Jennifer - peace.

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I think Steve, you need a synonym for but far more powerful than "immoral".. something that encompasses "murderous", "depraved" and "utterly degenerate"... Can't think what it is, unfortunately.

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Breakthrough cases were a forbidden subject.

The Minnesota Department of "health" was tracking breakthrough cases in early 2021. By that time they were reporting every imaginable statistic on their web site but NO mention whatsoever about breakthrough case numbers. A reporter's question about breakthrough cases at their news conference, posted to youtube as "LISTEN LIVE: Minnesota Dept. of Health COVID-19 Briefing for April 29, 2021" start listening at 25:50, was the first time I heard any official bit of discussion about breakthrough cases which, of course, was to down play their "carefully gathered" figures. These figures had been ferreted out by local reporters as of April 1 - 90 cases as of April 15 - 561 cases as of April 29 - 1163 cases. This looked to me like exponential vaccine breakthrough infection growth due to "vaccine" failure to provide lasting protection from infection IF, in fact, there was any at all initial protection from infection. I was not surprised when it became policy to no longer track breakthrough infections that did not require hospitalization.

I reported this in the comments after the youtube video "Random COVID Questions with Dr. Been (#67)". Dr. "Been" replyed, this showed up in my gmail "Social" tab - " Drbeen Medical Lectures Do they have a link that I can read?"

That remains the last entry allowed into my gmail "Social" feed. The "Social" feed of "my" gmail was shut off and most all my covid related comments on youtube videos were censored from that time and ongoing by youtube.

Breakthrough cases were a forbidden subject.

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This was all part of the coup that put Biden in office. 🤬

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