It is literally MIND BOGGLING. And just yesterday, my client rubs both arms and apologizes, saying, "Sorry, my arms are just a bit sore. I got my booster and my flu shot yesterday."

How anyone can be so oblivious is just beyond me...especially in my studio. I might not preach all the time....but I certainly thought that I drop enough "crumbs" to warrant either researching for yourself (and then choosing to hop off the vax wagon) or knowing you probably don't want to mention it around me.

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Doesn’t it feel like you are just banging your head against a wall sometimes?!?!?! Had one that went like this last winter: “I am not sure about getting the 3rd shot/booster. What do you think?” Me: “well the CDC has already admitted the vaccines do not do anything to prevent transmission of or catching the virus, and we haven’t seen the data about safety yet (pre Pfizer document drop) so I would maybe hold off. You already caught covid right?” Them: “yeah I think I am going to hold off and just wait”.

Two weeks later: “well all of us here went and got our booster………”. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🙄😮

UGHHHHHH. I might as well have just been talking to myself in a corner. They didn’t listen despite asking for an actual medical opinion on it! Friends of mine!! Who know I am not vaccinated!!! WaKe Up PeOpLe!!!!!

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My 82 yo aunt told me on the phone how she wasn't allowing unvaxed adult grandchildren to visit. She had 4 shots and now has Polymyalgia Rheumatica for which she has to take heavy duty painkiller and cortisone ... she's not so blind she doesn't recognise it's the jab though. Too late unfortunately.

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$PFE Phfizer’s Stock on the Daily interval broke some Massive support. Technical indicators are damaged, the buyer and seller data usually writes the story.

Florida Health Surgeon Dr. Joseph Ladapo’s post about the safety profile of the vaccine has been taken down by Twitter today then was re-instated after the Massive backlash that ensued.

“The Public needs to know the harmful effects, I am recommending ages 18-39 to not get the vaccine.”

I can only imagine how Investors will perceive this as the stock has already traded and closed below support on Friday. Monday may come with a secondary sell-signal and maybe even a full blown curtain drop before the Mid-Terms.

My deja-vu is kicking in when I was trading $CVS $JNJ , and Insys during the Opioid Crisis.


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Alex Berenson called out Bourla on Twitter regarding the death of a college student mandated to get the vaccine…..then retweeted it and tagged every pharma scab he could. No shock he was promptly removed from twitter for doing so.

I just started watching Dopesick. (I am a little behind the times when it comes to watching something on TV these days lol). I am sure you have probably already watched it, but if not, I highly recommend. I felt sick in just the first episode. Because what that show portrays is EXACTLY what pharma does. I have seen it first hand in my office. It is gross, filthy, disgusting. The S&P should gut the pharma companies out.

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You're not addicted, you just need to double the dosage!

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