Apr 6Liked by Jennifer Brown

Keep the spotlights hot.

Cockroaches and illegals can't stand sunlight.

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Apr 6Liked by Jennifer Brown

They are all going to get to vote, especially the dead ones. Remember, they were caught cheating in 2020 and got away with it. There was even a movie made that was in the theaters about their cheating. Still nobody did a thing. It is going to be much worse this time. It is up to the state to disqualify, not sure the purpose of the federal registry, maybe to rub it in our faces, that our elections are the joke of the world, like nearly everything else we have been doing.

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I went through all of 2020 yesterday. I am posting half of it tomorrow and the other half on Monday. 2020 is ugly!!!!

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What is amazing is they get caught and yet nothing happens. They go on and cheat like it is perfectly acceptable for a NGO to fill out millions of ballots all over the country. I sent a link to this site to everyone I know. The complacency is a real head shaker.

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Apr 6·edited Apr 6Liked by Jennifer Brown

I still want to know how many of these "applications" are resulting in a voter on the registry. I need to look into the process for getting an absentee ballot here. I'm only familiar with the polling place requirements. Maybe the massive surge in new voters in MO explains all of the apartment complex construction I see. I wondered who was going to be moving into these apartments. Are people fleeing the surrounding states? More likely they are Federally funded homes for "new arrivals". Casting votes that Americans won't. It would be great if I were wrong.

Check this out:


All you have to do is successfully register and you can have a ballot sent anywhere you want.

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Bingo. That is what I think they are doing.

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I knew I was missing something. I knew it would be REALLY difficult to misbehave at the polls. Too many folks have to verify that the number of voters checked in matched the number of ballots cast. Of course that is all for show. The election is stolen with the absentee ballots. I noticed that it is VERY difficult to get a straight answer to the question: How many votes were cast at the poll and how many were absentee? I might have to do some investigating on my own. I'll report back.

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Apr 6Liked by Jennifer Brown

I have no confidence at all in the political system, corruption EVERYWHERE!

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I've been sharing these with friends. Great find. Now we need to get the info to Scott Presler.

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