Well well well……
After a month hiatus, the SSA started dumping their voter data again!
Here is the month of April:
Total registration attempts: 1,520,253
Total applications non match REJECTED: 292,216
Total applications rejected because they were DECEASED: 23,033
Arizona is having a TON of new registration attempts. North Carolina is off the charts.
Missouri is huge numbers of registration attempts, and again TONS of deceased people trying to register.
Texas is doing what Texas does best….hundreds of thousands of registration attempts and high numbers are not matched or deceased.
Still wondering how high these numbers go as we get closer to election registration deadlines. It is still early.
Looks like someone had a chat with someone else about the legality of failing to publish this report.
Unfortunately, it appears the MSM does not think of this as newsworth.
I wonder where these entries are coming from. AI?
Running between 18% and 25% reject rate is a MAJOR red flag for the system being gamed.
Worst part is, all this folderol is easily swatted away by the usage of common sense!
Why are bureaucrats allowed to use lawfare?
They are supposed to work for us within the law!
How can alarm bells not be ringing at Election Commissions around the country? Is the vast amount of attempted fraud normal? How does this jive with the repeated mantra from Democrats that there IS NO ELECTION FRAUD? I've heard that for decades, yet there appears to be a rather large number of false voter registration going on. The dead seem to be particularly active. I have to go request an absentee ballot. Might as well ask some pointed questions while I'm there. I think I'll start with, "What happens when a voter registration is verified deceased by the SSA?" Then I will follow it up with, "Does that result in a criminal referral for fraud?" I bet I don't get any actual answers. At best I expect a shoulder shrug and a word salad.