
The medical details are beyond me. That another faux-pillar of medicine/health is or may be demolished doesn't surprise.

How long will it take to percolate through to common knowledge?

Just look at the food pyramid, still being pushed in whatever form. I was told a few years back to avoid animal fats in order to keep the cholesterol in balance. Nothing about avoiding ultra-refined faux-food, nothing about industrial seed oils or HFCS.

It strikes me that medical professionals may need to unlearn almost everything they were taught in order to actually help their patients. How many layers of illusions have been erected in order to keep us caged? Every week it seems some agreed fact is revealed rather as the opposite. 1984 on steriods!

Ripples from Rockefeller and Big Food, Big (P)harma and the rest.

In this version of The Matrix, those pills are sprayed liberally anywhere someone doesn't accept the programming. Anywhere the cognitive dissonance isn't just ignored. I remember a stat from Belgium, where its 5M people went through an ungodly amount of Prozac (and others) in a year. Then there are no doubt some darker threads regarding these drugs and the pushers.

And then there is the downstream effect, literally. The toxic stew popped like Skittles around the developed world that finds its way from humans into the waterways, impacting fish and other marine animals in unknown ways. Returning like a Boomerang to impact us all, perhaps?

Perhaps we can turn a corner? If we win the current war? Rather than add toxins to our bodies and our planet we could start reducing them in both. Reducing the CDC/FDA et al to ashes might be the place to start. Talk about drug pushers!

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You always share a fantastic conversation friend!

My specialty is psychiatry. And I have worked in healthcare for 14 years. I 100% agree that most of us need to unlearn at least 80%-95% of what we were taught. I do think the MD training was worse than the APRN/DO training in terms of total fabricated lies. Heck, I have had to unlearn a ton of stuff and I often wonder if others are willing to recognize how and what we were taught is wrong? The latest and greatest pharma product does not have to be better, it just has to do “as good” to get approved on the market.

The Koolaid cult of healthcare began to sour for me in mid 2010’s, and I moved to private outpatient clinic. Even those run by the state have their issues, and I went full private practice in 2019. Best decision I ever made. I do not have a talking head CEO telling me what I am allowed to do and not do. I do have a brigade of colleagues who stuffed the covid vaccine down my throat pretty hard but I stood my ground.

What I have noticed over the last month is this serotonin article is already being read by the general public! Which is FANTASTIC. I have had a conversation about this serotonin journal with 2 people this past week, and about 5-7 people in total. I tell each of them I would love to discuss it and I will answer anything the best I can. That is the only way we build healthcare back. It’s a pile of rubble. It will have to become transparent collaborative not dictatorship as it is now. I encourage every patient to bring a study they read to their clinician and discuss it!

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