Safe and Effective....

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It was fact checked, LOL.

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The video was censored. Of course. Nothing to see here!

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Just a suggestion about permanently archiving videos. I have a software, Setapp "Downie," that is in the Apple Itune store for Apple OS ( not on IOS). It works like a charm for youtube videos which usually disappear with content "they" don't accept. It does require a paid subscription. It's also handier than trying to retrieve Y.T. videos from Y.T. website to republish. I assume it works for this content as well.

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Just tested "Downie" It archived it from Rumble no problem.


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Thank you!!!!!! I will give this a try! I use wayback machine for articles they scrubbed, this will be a good option for video content. Thank you!!!!!

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We know the spike activates the clotting cascade, maybe this accounts for the rubbery calamari structures?

" Graphene oxide touches blood: in vivo interactions of bio-coronated 2D materials" https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32254085/

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Here’s the video still up on the Twit.


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Thank you for adding the new link!!! Ugh it is nearly impossible to avoid the cabal taking everything down. 🤬

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cancelled here too!

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Yes it's gross, but real.

Posted on Rumble before X takedown:


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Thank you for adding this link!! It is almost impossible to stay ahead of the swamp taking things down!

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Thank you for your work DrB!!

(You might want to author-pin/restate or edit your original link.)

The visual is POWERFUL and serves to "illustrate" how anecdotal evidence can be visceral.

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"Hmmm....this page doesn't exist. Try searching for something else."

Love, from X

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Page no longer exists according to X

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I just watched it now

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On X

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Unable to download the video. Go figure.

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