The covid lockdowns are only a small part of the unthinkable harm these people have done. They have unleashed criminals on the innocent, destroyed once great cities with race riots, opened the border to the flow of dangerous narcotics that have killed and incapacitated the young, turned schools into communist concentration camps, converted universities into parodies of scholarship, turned journalists into regime propagandists, and murdered innocent people with lethal injections of experimental drugs well after their dangers were known. If they want to be forgiven they can start with a full confession of their crimes, but they won't do that because they know they have committed unforgivable crimes. They are afraid they might lose a few votes in the next "election" so they are pretending to be contrite. Their crocodile tears don't fool anybody.

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Excellent summary of the great damage done the last 3 years!

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Never forget. Never forgive.

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Forgive only with full repentance and accountability. When they are jailed, stripped of all their gains, tried/convicted of their crimes and held FULLY accountable; only then can forgiveness even be considered

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Wonder if the masses are damaged enough to understand this continued disrespect?

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Hell to the NO

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I never stopped, so nothing to move on. One thing is for sure, I am never forgetting and if I ever get the opportunity to make these AHs pay, trust me, I will.

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This whole thing disgusts me on so many levels. It’s even worse than the plea for Grace and forgiveness.

If you listen closely what you will hear from commie Bill is the idea that we should be pressing harder for equity and communism. It’s all in the absurdist statement from Maher that “ poor people were affected worse by covid.” Oh rilly? Data please.

This is thinly disguised ideological hustle to what Cuomo is on board with . Marxist social conflict /class struggle .

And as usual the eugenicists hide behind nudging to class struggle . Make the peasants beg for their poison as a “ right”.

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These people need to be in prison for murder.

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"Not happening." - 100% - The criminal Cuomo banned HCQ in New York; I recall Dr. Z not being able to fill his prescriptions. He is a criminal maggot who must be tried and prosecuted. Thanks Jennifer. Peace.

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Can't wait to share this with friends who fought this all along, here in VA. One gal has been a superstar. This should make her day.

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This guy has it all wrong. The CDC wasn't working with incomplete knowledge. They knew from the get go that they were lying out of their teeth and did it anyway. No free passes here, pal. You drank the kool aid and now you what a giant dose of Ipecac to get it out of your system and expect us to feel sorry for you. It will be a cold day in hell before I feel any sorrow for you. How many of us lost jobs, were marginalized, embarrassed, belittled because we saw the lie and tried to tell everyone only to drowned out by assholes like you.

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I’ll forgive him if he helps me get the job back that I lost for refusing the jab.

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Fuck him, and the horse he rode in on!

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