
Did not see this coming, Dr. Brown.

But the idea of a vaccine to counter the vaccine-induced threat du jour fits right into Clown World 2022.

I've put down a few questions, rambling ones not aimed at anyone. Alas, I have no answers. Each time I think I have found one I realise rather that the tally of questions has grown.

As a simple layperson, there is something off about the whole field of virology and immunology/vaccinology.

Let's not even get into psychiatry, and the mis-attribution of cause and effect.

Why give a Hep B shot to a newborn?

Why employ a non-inert placebo in a randomised double blind placebo controlled trial?

Why destroy every control group before the trial is completed (for C19)? Misconduct that surprised when first pulled but recently merited barely a mention when pulled again for the innocent toddler tranche.

Spanish Flu. They did everything they could to get it to transmit, back in the day, and failed. Which begs the question, what did they 'recover' from the Brevik mission which they monkeyed with then put on their BSL-4 list? Side question, what really killed all those millions? From what I have read, bacterial pneumonia accounts for much of it. Something else referenced a de-attenuated LAV, which may account for the strange mortality profile.

Polio. Most of the Polio in the world is Vaxx induced, as I recall. Has the Polio 'virus' ever been isolated IAW the old standards of proof? Why did so many healthy people suddenly contract Polio in apple groves? Could the clouds of neurotoxic insecticides/pesticides of the eras have anything to do with it?

Short version is our bodies are under unprecedented assault. From environmental toxins. From literal neurotoxins in our fillings and treated drinking water, and vaxx shots. From the Glyphosate that is in everything. From EM radiation. And most recently from a gene therapy that more resembles a bioweapon than a therapeutic, injected straight into half the population globally. A gene therapy that has trashed immune systems everywhere it has been applied, and unleashed waves of cancer and other resurgent previously dormant diseases. A gene therapy that has somehow been approved at every stage despite higher mortality and negligible efficacy in trials and the worst SAE profile seen for decades, perhaps ever.

And the industrial-scale fraud/collusion that has facilitated our current (C19) predicament. The magnitude is beyond any reasonable appreciation. The global coordinated psychological operations, the synchronisation with Big Tech, MSM, Big (P)harma - employing tools developed for use against terrorists but this time aimed at our own populations. Herding us with fear, but herding us where, and why?

Finally, we are under attack by the compounded - and unchallenged - lies of a century+.

The Rockefeller medical model.

Is germ theory correct?

Do vaccines 'work'? Has any ever worked? Because where we are now was paved with lies, and each has made the slide into totalitarianism more seamless.

But my key question, though unanswerable, what is causing the massive spike in chronic diseases?

Something is terribly wrong. Was terribly wrong, BC.

Before Covid.

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The vaccine discovered in the UK, London, was connected to a vaccine which is being used in Africa. It is a live vaccine whereas the vaccine used in Europe is not. There is a youtube link that explains it by Dr. John Campbell. However, it is interesting that this new vaccine was given emergency use as the old one is working perfectly well.

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