This is the fat stack of cash that SBF was hoping to cash in on.

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I predict the new panic will begin shortly as the hijacked election proof continues dripping out and irrevocably waking up the blissfully ignorant sheep from their fake news comas.

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"Proof" does NOT wake up sheep. They do not have the intellectual capacity to process proof in any way, shape, or form. Such is the power of the Mass Formation Psychosis. Mind control is being scientifically applied and is far more powerful than any mere "Just the facts, Ma'am" information or data can penetrate. Logic and reason roll off them like "water off a duck's back"!

Look at the state of mind of those people: how many have already been even seriously "vaccine"-injured but they adamantly state that taking the shots was "the right thing to do" and they would do it all over again? Even when their family member is killed by them, they insist that they still fully support the shots! Those people are, on the whole, unreachable.

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I agree. There is a percentage of the population who will never ever wake up to any of this. No matter what we do!

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Good point...ANYTHING to distract from the J6, Covid and other things coming out with the whistle-blowers and Twitter tapes.

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It will also dovetail nicely with the WHO takeover later this year.

Either just before it, to scare fence-sitting puppets into voting for the OWG overreach.

Or just after they 'succeed', to prove the 'necessity' of the OWG. This will silence any opposition to it.

In both cases this will have to be more than the average flu, in optics if not reality. A good thing they went to the trouble of Frankensteining the 1918 Spanish Flu. Or so they say. Who knows what they made in that lab and stored in that freezer (for a rainy day...).

TPTB have been on an arc of destruction for longer than any of us have been alive. We haven't even presented speed-bumps to them at this point in the current Plandemic.

There hasn't been a reckoning, dating back to JFK.

Not for 9/11.

Not for C19.

Bush Jn was right.

The monsters will not stop.


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Musical Dollars at it's finest!


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Excellent work friend! 🙌🏻

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What is stunning to me is that people just don't care. We start wars to finance our defense companies. We budget money to finance our Pharma companies. Then, those companies turn around and give some of the proceeds back to the politicians in the way of campaign contributions. The corrupt, corporate media gets proceeds as well, so that the business can be censored. Where does it end? Why does seemingly only a handful of us care? How many millions have to die before people wake up?

Thanks for your great work Jennifer!

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Past time to drain the swamp. Time for rest of states to get on board with convention of States. Article V.

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