Glad to hear more and more parents are waking up to the vaccine machine and opting out.

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I suggest we reconsider all the tried and true treatments and preventive measures passed from generation to generation, mother to daughter, and previously dismissed in their entirely as "Old Wives' Tales" by pharma-captured doctors.

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Psychological warfare tactics. I can’t find the articles but they claimed years ago one of the biggest motivators was fear/regret/worry of not getting the Covid jab which was why they had ridiculous fake stories about the young healthy adult dying of Covid in the hospital uttering the last words to their nurse “I wish I had gotten the shot”. And the psychotic photos people took and posted with their Covid cards. I guess that works on a large portion of the population. Fear or worry of missing out. Worse, fear you may cause your child harm by not consenting. Meanwhile the people that fell for it are now suffering with compromised immune systems or worse.

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Thanks, Dr. F – slimy essay indeed.

We had one of these whooping cough (faux) scares in my small community about ten years ago. The county health babe held a public meeting. During Q&A one awake (opposite of woke) citizen asked, “How many of the current cases are vaccinated individuals?” The county mouthpiece said, “Oh, we’re working on that at the state level. It will take a few months to track that information.” NONSENSE. They’re bean counters. That’s all they do. They know in real time and don’t want us to know.

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The trust is gone.

Hopefully, never to be regained.

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The chutzpah of these people seems to be fueled by their bureaucratic paychecks.

We are "vaccine hesitant" because of internet misinformation?

Then how about packaging truthful information without propagandizing it?

Their assumption is that we unwashed masses are incompetent, stupid and dangerous.

I remember in 1987, I got my teaching credential in California and had to get a TB screen before I could be hired.

I asked the nurse why, as in my mind, TB was a third-world issue.

She informed me the third-world now lived in the USA.

The gummit/Big Pharma is still playing the same games with AIDS, TB, measles, mumps, chicken pox, Covid, etc., pretending everything greater than zero cases is a health emergency and we are all foolish to ignore them (with the glaring exception of the VAERS reports).

I'm old enough to remember when polio was the big scary. Later, I discovered it was probably on its way out by the time everyone was vaccinated.

They think we're stupid, but they are too arrogant even to change their MO!

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Why change when it keeps on working? They may be evil, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t lazy and lacking in creativity as well. And they want us dead.

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You are correct.

There are people who are incompetent.

There are people who can be classified as "stupid".

These people are arrogant; they are not stupid.

They are EVIL.

And they want us dead (plenty of proof on that one - they send out a SWAT team at 6a on a civil complaint?).

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Once upon a time I worked with a lot of police officers. Every one of them expressed the sentiment “You don’t have to be stupid to be a criminal, but it helps.” at one point or another.

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They engineered our ignorance and then weaponized it against us.

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"Today, the vaccine is highly effective, with studies showing up to 90% effectivenessopens in a new tab or window in preventing severe cases of pertussis in fully vaccinated children."

So not getting vaxxed for it is causing cases to go up even though it doesn’t block infection? You dumb a$$es this is why people aren’t getting jabbed anymore. It doesn’t work and you keep lying about it.

Plus this is who they use to write the article?

"Kundu is a physician and a PhD student specializing in global surgery. Glatter is an assistant professor of emergency medicine."

Not virologists or immunologists? Okay then. But yeah that’s a slimy article.

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