My mom is in the hospital due to complications after an outpatient surgery. They initially held her in the ER as they were 'full'. But got her into a room later that evening. Wandering around the floor she is on looking for a coffee machine, 4 of the 8 wings on that floor are CLOSED. Lights out, doors locked. So they may be full but they are not at capacity.

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100% correct. So many empty beds with no nurses to staff them!

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Now hurry up because Javier Becerra (lawyer running HHS 😂) says you have to get boosters every 2 mos. What? Oh no that won't kill you or anything that's just a conspiracy theory.

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How much you want to bet they try to exclude unused sections from capacity lowering the denominator.

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They 100% did. They didn’t mention how many unstaffed beds they have right now, closed units, etc. Their numbers are skewed badly. Gotta make sure it fits the narrative ya know! 🤦🏼‍♀️

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In fact, that might be the 'X factor' in the issues that the places like NY/OR have been having all summer long!

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Great article, and as I wrote sometime last week, average hospital capacity is roughly 95-98% during winter. HHS show 79% full today. That's basically empty during winter.


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YES! The part they don’t want to say outloud is they want 90%+ capacity cause that means they making $$$. Wow……79% capacity is like a random week in May….thats super empty for this time of year!

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Take a look at what I found from two years ago:


Expected ICU occupancy: Between 92 and 98%

For covid: 85% and everybody gets sent home

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Oooohhhhhh good dig my friend…….🙌🏻🙌🏻

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Ironically now in a folder called "Old Data", because I figured by Spring 2021 everybody would have figured it out.

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You are awesome!

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Miss you my friend! ❤️

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MSM has always practiced fear mongering, going back a couple of centuries. Since they've become tools of globalists, Pharma, Gates and the Rockefeller Foundation, their fear mongering has gone up several notches on the hysteria scale. This worked well 3 years ago. Now, however, the majority of people aren't influenced by the media, and they aren't buying the "tripledemic" nonsense. A significant percentage of people are still easily frightened little rabbits and will be influenced by fear mongering. But not the majority any longer.

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If the new variants are so immune evasive, then how the hell the the jabs supposed to work then? (Facepalm)

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Isn’t it great when they contradict themselves in such stupid fashion? 🤦🏼‍♀️

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Indeed, the satire writes itself.

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