I knew this but seeing it in print has my jaw on the floor . Omg

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If the so-called vaccines were to be truly tested in an honest, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, every single one would prove to be harmful to humans. All vaccines are a big, fat lie. Thanks Jennifer. Peace.

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I hope people are also questioning the vaccines for pets. There are a lot of stories from people who saw their pets harmed after they got some, but it’s been covered up just like the vaccines that harmed kids.

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This right here. I don’t vaccinate either of my doggos. They got puppy shots from the breeder, but have had ZERO since. You are 100% they are just as nasty. I see a lot of feline cancer reports from vaccinated kitties.

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Good for you to not jab your doggos. It took me until this current fiasco to question the vaccine for animals, but I stopped giving mine any after their puppy shots including rabies. I did get my current lab a rabies shot just because I like to camp off the beaten path and she might have gotten parvovirus from the wilderness. I can’t think where else she got exposed to it. But none of the other dogs in her playgroup got it after being exposed to her. The vet suggested that I give her a vax for it after she recovered and I just thought WHY? She should now have immunity right?

I hope that we can spread the word on the animal shots. In another comment on this I said that it’s obvious that vets know that the shots can cause cancer because of where they are giving jabs now. Can’t amputate the neck now can they? But they can amputate legs which is where they are being jabbed now days.

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Thanks!! My sons kitty is 17 and doing well. No shots for her!! Peace.

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Vaccines are not compared to placebo to hide/confound the adverse reactions (via the principle of misery loves company) Pharma drugs ARE compared to placebo because, nearly always, their efficacy is so feeble. It’s all backwards: jabs should test against placebo and drugs should test against established healing agents (e.g. test Remdesivir against Ivermectin) Awesome chart, Dr. F!!

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Yes, and for his hard work on this he has been excoriated and called every name in the book. Why? Because big Pharma is pulling the strings on our political "leaders" and our media. They decide what you think is right because they know what is best for you. Having those sorts of powers, to decide on the quality of your life, comes with certain benefits ... like joining the billionaire club and getting an invite to join the globalist elites. If you think that is BS, get another booster and get your mask back on.

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It is definitely a must read. The one positive aspect of Covid is that it has opened my eyes to the deep corruption in big Pharma and its lies. My view of vaccines has changed 180 degrees. I can’t unsee what l now have seen. Sadly, it will take a tsunami of medical evidence to dissuade doctors from their current indoctrination. My heart absolutely aches for the children who will continue to be harmed by these products.

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You're right about Turtles All the Way Down. It's a well-researched and eye-opening book.

Thanks for this list.

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Excellent point. The reason for no saline controls is obvious. RFK Jr is the only presidential candidate with the background, knowledge, and motivation to force any change in big Pharma or in the scientists working for big Pharma. Or the FDA, NIH, CDC - i.e. the very bureaucracies we pay to help protect public health. Pray that someone is protecting his health.

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Is there a list of vaccines that DID have placebo control trials?

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No. They're non-existent except for, allegedly, that God-awful Gardasil junk. That said, given that we must assume fraud and willful mendacity on the part of every single institution in this country, I think we'd be hard-pressed to believe that "they" tested that Gardasil crap against a true placebo as is alleged.

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I agree. I don’t trust that that one got a true placebo challenge. I think that is false.

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