Apologies for the short post…..it is a busy weekend and I spent more time behind a camera lens than in front of a computer yesterday.
The sun has released 7 waves of energies. From what I can interpret, we have been hit by 3 of the waves so far. I was able to catch the large sunspots from when we had a thin cloud cover yesterday afternoon…….
That black blob at the bottom, and the black dot above it, are where the sun is emitting “things”. We are in the middle of a geostorm we have not seen since 2005.
The k-index shows how strong the storm is, and it also shows the heightened level of aurora borealis activity. I have had “see the northern lights” on my bucket list for as long as I can remember. Tonight did NOT disappoint!
If you are feeling more tired or have a headache, this is probably why. If you decide to look at the sun, use your eclipse glasses. You can see the huge sun spots with the naked eye and eclipse glasses.
Never miss a chance to see something historical! If this goes full blown nuclear, we could see power grid and GPS issues in places.
The sun - geoengineer-in-chief
Excellent work! Much appreciated.