More disturbing, how many men or young males falling into the transgender social contagion insanity will use these. I know that sounds crazy, but many post going to great lengths to get hormones and here they are on the market. I wouldn’t even be shocked if some gov funded organizations recommend that.

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Isn't that what they want?

More pregnancies = more abortion$$$

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I do know one person who got blood clots from their birth control pills. However the other side effects from them are a much bigger problem.

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But with the covid shots birth rates are going down all over the place, maybe they won’t even get pregnant because their ovaries are damaged 😔

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Why bother, they have another booster comming out soon.

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This is all going to "plan". Planned Parenthood needs a constant supply of stem cell and other "clump of cells" material to feed the market. There must be a market if they continue to sell baby parts.

I wonder if persons not taking these wonder pills correctly will be at higher risk for pregnancy complications from unwanted conception or will there be an increased risk of birth defects? I would think both would be probable. (Just an opinion) So we are going to make it easy to injure both the prospective mother and child. Great.

By the way, and I know I'm showing my age in a huge way, there is one way to completely avoid pregnancy. And you don't need a prescription. I know this does not work in cases involving force, but if there is a choice involved... I'll get back on the geezer bus now.

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