Children of Satan will take what they are given. TY for sticking their hind ends with Truth today. Keep up the good work. Truth must be the only weapon we have.

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Doc Brown: this is how the evil forces behind the scenes want it. They want sick and demented politicians (Biden, Fetterman, Feinstein) who they can completely control. 😟

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They do it because they can

No one is stopping them

And they will go on . . . . . & on & on

Until it becomes impossible to stop them

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Elder abuse is a crime in DC. Her staff should be tried and convicted, using the video evidence we have. But laws do not apply to her handlers or any of their political cronies. The criminal law is reserved for their political enemies. It is time to realize our system of law and governance has been corrupted beyond recognition by a left wing revolution. The revolutionaries are traitors who will finish destroying our prosperity and killing us iff if they are not stopped.

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At least they sent enough money to kill another 50,000 Ukrainians and probably create a few more billionaires (political donors) in the defense contractors. They also appointed another rubber stamp, gay, black, female, probably trans replacement. No election, no nothing. Just pure corruption and yes Jennifer, pure evil. Can anybody imagine the next election, which still has mail in voting for all the battle ground states with ballot harvesting and drop boxes a plenty; We will have the state of California running the entire country with Newsome as President and the legislative branch being run by California democrats. I live right next to California, the homeless, drugs, crime, filth, lack of a middle class and corruption have driven the productive Californians out. Let's reward these leaders and give them the keys to the national car. As far as the productive Californians, many of you are also stupid. Voting the exact same way will render the exact same results. If you had to escape your state, perhaps you should change your voting behavior. Those Californians are a virus spreading throughout the nation, especially the formerly red state of Nevada. Half the cars on the road have California plates with Biden bumper stickers.

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If Nevadans wants to know what happens to red states that adopt California politics, they just have to look at the smoldering ruins of Oregon. Oregon was a red state when I moved there, before the mass migration from California. By the time I left Oregon was on fire, with crime, drugs and homelessness everywhere. Yet people I know still know in Oregon complain that there is "nobody else to vote for" or better yet "the problems are nonexistent and just made up by Fox News." It is difficult to feel sympathy for such people because they are taking down everyone and everything along with them, one state at a time.

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Yes, this actually is a real virus, spreading and causing irreparable harm. Californiaitis.

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100%. Truly evil, sick minds at work. Peace.

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Pathetic politicians as usual, they definitely take sleeping pills to be able to sleep at night

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At what point do we put a stop to this shit?


At the risk of making a crude joke........God already took care of it.

Your overall point is well taken, though. Also, are you interested in attending some sort of KC meetup with fans?

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Is that the 2nd time she did that cuz I’ve seen the exact act a few weeks ago after she had returned to congress. Either way it’s obvious that she wasn’t actually there with her mind intact.

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This demonstrates the depth of evil ingrained in the leaders of the congressional Democrats. Her replacement, a radical SEIU Black lesbian union leader, head of a pro-abortion activist group who resides in - you guessed it, Maryland, neatly checks all the boxes required to be a Democrat leader, and is a harbinger of what to expect if Newsome is the next President. He needs to stay in California and "finish the job." that Californians seem to approve.

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Pretty difficult to prove elder abuse in this case unless there is more evidence other than this.

I think it's pretty obvious an argument could be made for manipulation.

Definitely NOT of sound mind or body.

But that's no longer a requirement for voting.

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"Dianne Feinstein is Dead: Alliance continues to take out world leaders installed by predatory aliens"


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