"If it were up to me, they would all be banned from ever coming in." - 100% .Big "Pharma" and the FDA are the same criminals. It's pure fascist trash. Thanks Jennifer. Peace.

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1). So Ivermectin can be used for influenza? (2,) Filing a bill for Next session os SC legislature forbidding on medical facility visits by Pharma reps. Includes the infamous lunches.

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This is a true story. It took place in 2008. We were working with an Oncology Pharma company in the Seattle area. They had several drugs approved for very specific labels. Their patients were almost always very near death. That company asked me to put up a forum where physicians could exchange recipes of various drugs in a last ditch effort to save or at least extend lives. The forum would allow the physicians to describe the various drug combinations and results. Obviously, there were many labels involved almost all of them were off label. We felt it would be ok because of the near death condition of the patients. The FDA disagreed and shut down the forum almost immediately. Their reason: promoting off label use of drugs. That is how stringent the FDA used to be. Now it seems that many of their examiners are looking for a place in the private sector or a seat on the board of these pharma companies. They went from near Nazis with their rules, zero compassion, to what's in it for me? Not sure which is worse.

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So Big Pharma is finally going to be on an equal footing with the Supplement Industry. All snake oil all the time. The array of new commercials claiming that each new cleverly named wonder drug can cure everything from cancer to hangnails will be awesome. There will be so many of them the streaming services won't have room for actual content. Why doesn't the FDA just abandon the paradigm of approved / non-approved? Let the Pharma companies claim whatever they want. If they own the science there doesn't have to be any science.

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Wait. Is this the same Big Pharma that worked covertly to deep-six the off-label therapeutic use of Ivermectin and HCQ zinc ionophore generics early on is COVID? Ah. Got it.

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Hmmm I wonder how much Pharma shelled out for this one? Nothing the corrupt FDA/CDC/NIH does surprises me anymore. 🤡

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I had no idea they were so aggressive to start with. This is not how healing is supposed to work. But they want customers not well being.

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Oh my gosh they can be horribly aggressive. Some of them are pretty cool, they stop by and spend 5 minutes and go on their way. Others though, man, they are demanding a certain number of prescriptions per week, pushy pushy pushy!!! They annoy the hell out of me! It is such an outdated sales model, it reeks of corrupt slime.

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Forthcoming: A compliance test to be non-compliant.

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So when they find in the after market release that the drug treats something else appealing, like Ozempic for weight loss, they can now market that aggressively to doctors and get it out faster. I read an article in the last few months how some doctors refused to prescribe Ozempic for weight loss since it was not FDA approved which really angered the drug manufacturer. Like you said, imagine the pressure they’ll now get not being able to shut down these reps with that argument.

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You are 100% spot on!

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