It is outrageous he admits they knew about myocarditis and had appropriate warnings yet they go on to fast track approving Comirnaty specifically to mandate it. They aren’t even getting into Comirnaty not even being the vaccine they gave the public anyway and all of that was smoke and mirrors to trick and force Americans into taking a product that they knew was harmful. At this point they also knew it did not stop transmission.

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No matter what ills I've had since Jan 2020 (getting over this year's creeping crud right now), I am daily thankful that I came across Dr. Ryan Cole's early videos. He made me skeptical and I decided to do more research and wait.

I ended up never taking the vax, only wore a mask twice and was not sick until now. Everyone I know has had whatever the "flu du jour" is this year. It's more irritating than anything else... as most winter flus/colds are. 😕

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No secrets here.  What could go wrong?

Of course, once the "vaccines" were ready to ship the Emergency Use Authorization would be granted and the mandates would begin.  As it had obviously been pre-planned for some time pre-"pandemic". Once the decision was made to launch the "vaccine" bioweapon and pandemic countermeasure plan the "vaccines" were going to be used. 

The "vaccines" were bought and paid for before they were manufactured or the illusion of testing was done, a veil of coverage for Emergency Use Authorization and used to promote the narrative illusion that these injections were safe and effective.

Fast, cheap and manufactured dirty without any Real testing to establish the safety and especially the longer term safety of the vaccine delivery system components and contaminants in the injection or the safety of the whole spike vaccine antigen the "vaccines" program the human body to replicate in vast numbers. An estimated 10 billion, 40 billion, 50 billion lipid nano particles or viral vectors per injection for pfizer, moderna, zstrazeneca causing the body to produce up to 3 trillion* whole spike antigens produced per injection *Ogata et al. Meaning lots of human cells producing these spike vaccine antigens will be attacked and destroyed by the human immune system and in this repeated process the human immune system will "be learned" to attack human cells creating autoimmune diseases.

Long planned and developed countermeasure "vaccine" technology, fast and cheap using Mrna and eventually micro-needle patch delivery and fast because the illusion of testing was part of the plan then leading to the time of no requirement for testing.

Yet I found no Mrna "vaccine" against the first sars-cov had ever been developed and shown safe and effective and despite the fact that every previous attempt to make a vaccine against the first sars-cov, using the known conventional vaccine technologies, had failed to produce a safe vaccine as was shown with Real Testing, starting with animal testing, which proved all these vaccines were unsafe.  All made high levels of antibodies and all were demonstrated to be unsafe when subsequently the vaccinated animals and the unvaccinated control group animals were exposed to the virus and the vaccinated animals fared far worse then the unvaccinated animals.

It was well known that whole spike would be the choice for the west's countermeasure "vaccines".  What did not go according to the "west's" bioweapon attack and pandemic countermeasure plan is because their plan was totally co-opted. Co-opted so that the vaccines became a second "slow kill" front of attack in the stealth, "unlimited war"/ "economic war", bioweapon sars-cov-2 and bioweapon spike "vaccine" antigen attack on the west.  A stealth bioweapon attack on 2 fronts, bioweapon delivery vehicle bioweapon sars-cov-2 disguised as a pandemic of zoonotic origin spread from a wet market, with a second disguise in the waiting - "accidental" lab release - and mRNA and viral vector bioweapon "agent spike" disguised as a "vaccine".

The bioweapon sars-cov-2 bioweapon spike was designed to have "slow kill" properties so that when the code for whole spike was then chosen to provide the code for the "vaccine" antigen the "vaccine" became a stealth "slow kill" bioweapon.

What could go wrong?  This all and more is what could go wrong when, first, People are compelled to take an injection and second when the injection was not properly manufactured and tested and tested long term to establish its safety.

Show me the long term testing establishing "safe and effective". Show me the widespread free speech consensus agreeing on "safe and effective". Show me truthful risk benefit analysis specifically for me. Respect my choice.

evil here. evil there. evil won round covid.

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"fast, cheap and dirty"

Sums it up perfectly.

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by law , they are not pharmaceutical products, they are Medical counter measures and NOT i nvestigational. Therefore, NO INFORMED CONSENT

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"Back in the day" we were called "conspiracy theorists" for publishing stuff like this.

Thankfully, I've learned to control my emotions or I would have blown an aneurysm by now.

Keep the truth coming!

I wonder which will come first: Nuremburg2 or The Second Coming?

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for Not to

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The FDA issued a license to an Emergency Use Authorized Product.

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keepin mind that the FDA doesn't havethe regulatory authority everone assumes. EUA Law 2IUSC 360 bbb

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He said the two people quit because of the workload. Let's get them under oath. They expressed reservations about safety due to lack of adequate testing. The guys like Marks that were pushing the vax got them out of the way. But I do think Marks will be able to find a shield to hide behind by saying he believed the jabs would work. I believe that was all that was required of him under the Prep Act. If this was a national emergency they could go at whatever speed that wanted to to push this thing out unfortunately.

That is why I have maintained our best arguments for democide come before the original toxin was released and after the harms were experienced. Marks can simply say they were in a declared crisis and did what they believed they needed to do. I am almost certain at this point that they had the full support of President Trump at the time.

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