When do we reach the point that it is unethical not to inform one's patients, clients, customers of the truth?

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I truly do not know how they have been able to legally do what they have done. I had a chat with one of my pregnant patients this week discussing the new booster. OB is pushing it. I told her that I cannot tell her what to do but I do not recommend the booster at all, gave her the link for this and for numerous other sources. And recommended turtles all the way down. I told her to educate herself and make the decision she needs to for her and her unborn baby. I pray she chooses to not vaccinate. She has had 3 already…..

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I just heard Dr. "Fishbein" say this on an interview. McCullough has also said the same. If a health professional has the data about risks and harms (everyone should have the data now) and does not provide proper informed consent, that is malpractice. Ignorance in the face of the large pile of data is inexcusable and indefensible legally.

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To prove malpractice one has to show that the doctor or nurse failed to meet the "standard of care" in treating the patient. Everybody from the government to the professional societies and licensing bodies has defined the standard of care as "vaccinating everyone with everything all the time." To make the point more clear they sometimes even suspend the medical licenses of physicians who oppose hyper-vaccination policies and declare them guilty of "gross negligence." It's a perfect protection racket that makes it difficult to sue doctors and nurses for vaccine injuries. People should sue anyway if they can find a lawyer to do it, and hope that a judge and jury somewhere will do the right thing. If the depopulation statistics cited in the article come true and over half the population dies by 2025 then it may be more difficult to maintain the "safe and effective" fiction even in a court of law, but until then everyone must look out for themselves and the people they love by telling the truth to anyone who will listen.

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Unfortunately they passed that point a long time ago.

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"........ If there is one important thing that every single Patriot can do in 2023, it is blow the whistle on the rapidly unfolding American Bolshevik Revolution."

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Imagine if these millions of dead were counted as part of a named ‘War’ ? People would be outraged. Would there be protests to “ end the war”? ( Maybe. I’m not so sure about people any more..) Regardless, most would take a different view. I suspect the powers that be understand this. Much easier to make money and frighten and cull the herd in a proxy war against a germ than a nation state. I wish more people could grasp they are the enemy under attack in this endless terror campaign.

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I can’t get the link to open up!

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