Sep 24, 2022·edited Sep 24, 2022Liked by Jennifer Brown

Further evidence that something is massively and pervasively wrong with these experimental injections. The most terrifying thing in all of this is the official covering up of all information, of all data that doesn’t fit the “establishment“ narrative. And clearly what we laughingly call the news media are totally complicit in the coverups, the misinformation, the disinformation and the outright lies. I’m not surprised that governments in general, the people who seek power and authority and who thus use “The State” to control, would do things like this, all of human history gives irrefutable proof that this is an aspect of our human nature, of our species . What I did not expect is the willing and eager participation of nearly the entire news organs in the west in general and in America in particular to willingly go along. No coercion is involved with the mainstream press as far as I can see.

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It is disgusting isn’t it. They knew this was deadly before they launched it on the public. This was one big huge conspiracy between big tech, big pharma, and corrupt government.

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These are the workings of strategic genocide on a global scale. They all must hang, after we crucify them in court of course.

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Nov 30, 2022Liked by Jennifer Brown


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Sep 25, 2022·edited Sep 25, 2022Liked by Jennifer Brown

The news organizations all have significant advertising sales to the pharmaceutical industry. The top advertising sector is retail, at $10B a year, but Pharma is not far behind at around $7B.

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Sep 25, 2022·edited Sep 25, 2022Liked by Jennifer Brown

That’s correct, Tom.

It goes beyond that though. The propaganda organs that we call the “news media” has totally bought into the Marxist/globalist (the same thing today) line totally. They will push this independent of the funding sources. We have to realize that.

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The owners, Stan. The owners of the "media" and their global associations.

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All of these charts are "fantastic" (You know what I mean.), but that bottom one re cancer?? O.M.G. And that's mortality! Not "just" cases. Actual mortality. Holy crap.

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YES! Can you imagine how many more are diagnosed? Or not yet diagnosed but will be soon? If that is just DEATHS, imagine what is coming down the pipeline………

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I know. :( One of my nephews -- a perfectly healthy 26-year-old has just completed his fourth "treatment" for a "rare" form of Hodgkin's lymphoma. Uh, huh, Rare. Lives in NYC, got at least two needles in order to move about "freely" on Planet Earth and is now out on disability as he endures his "rare" cancer "treatment".

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The evidence is overwhelming and irrefutable that these toxins are more deadly than the virus. They have already seriously injured and killed more people under 60 than covid has, and several time more young adults and teens. Covid and its toxins are nothing more than an immense profit machine and a powerful political weapon. All the fear mongering and toxin pushing has nothing to do with "public health and safety." Pharma, the FDA, CDC, Fauci and others know these toxins don't work and are deadly, yet they continue pushing them. It's a criminal operation for financial and political gain.

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Oct 14, 2022Liked by Jennifer Brown

Great graphs and analysis, thank you!

It would be good to see more years of data. For the "blood cancers, such as leukemia" graphs, it seems there was a trend of higher bottoms and tops which started in 2019, but it's not clear what normal ranges of variability are from previous years.

And with Renal/Kidney failure, what was that big spike we were coming down from in early 2018?

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There is heavy speculation that a version of omicron went through in 2017-2018 and caused excess mortality then as well. There are also some speculations that some flu shots in 2018-2019 may have been a little dirty. It has been hard to get hard concrete data on it though.

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Jennifer I can explain the kidney-cancer-covid connection. Please email me jgallizia@gmail.com

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Shoot me an email! docbrown77@protonmail.com

Can’t wait to discuss this more!!

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They itching for something nuclear like a leak or a bomb or something to blame the avalanche of cancer on the nuclear radiation which in turn will put gasoline on the already elevated cancer now. Of course pharma will come to the fake rescue just to cash in more at this misery without saving really anybody but prolonging their suffering with chemo and probably more mrna meds.

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Thank you for your data. This confirms what I have been saying since early 2020. I have the mechanism how and why cancer is being created post covid infection and injection. Where can I contact you privately?

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You can email me at docbrown77@protonmail.com


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