Completely agree with you that Bertagnoli is a bad choice, but she is not replacing Fauci. Although she is a Fauci clone who received his imprimatur, Bertagnoli has been nominated to be director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), not the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) subagency that Fauci headed. The prior director of the NIH that Bertagnoli will replace was Francis Collins, who headed the Human Genome Project before he was kicked upstairs by Obama in 2008 to be Director of the NIH. Fauci stayed at NIAID because he knew he would have more real power there than as the Director of the entire agency. Fauci controlled a vast research budget at NIAID that he could use to covertly manipulate scientific "consensus" around his crackpot theories. Bertagnoli will be more of an administrator but will still be able to inflict irreparable harm on the medical profession. Collins had a good heart that was corrupted over time. Bertagnoli is starting out as a corrupt servant of Big Pharma who will further undermine trust in medical science.
This is precisely why I'm leaning in the direction of RFKJr. He has taken a stronger stand against Cooperate - Big Pharma collusion with Government and might clean house in the corrupt FDA, NIH, CDC, DOD Pharma Cartels. Haven't heard much on this from any other presidential candidate. His book on Fauci was a watershed. Jennifer thanks for the head's up.
Meet the new boss.............
same as the old boss.
Completely agree with you that Bertagnoli is a bad choice, but she is not replacing Fauci. Although she is a Fauci clone who received his imprimatur, Bertagnoli has been nominated to be director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), not the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) subagency that Fauci headed. The prior director of the NIH that Bertagnoli will replace was Francis Collins, who headed the Human Genome Project before he was kicked upstairs by Obama in 2008 to be Director of the NIH. Fauci stayed at NIAID because he knew he would have more real power there than as the Director of the entire agency. Fauci controlled a vast research budget at NIAID that he could use to covertly manipulate scientific "consensus" around his crackpot theories. Bertagnoli will be more of an administrator but will still be able to inflict irreparable harm on the medical profession. Collins had a good heart that was corrupted over time. Bertagnoli is starting out as a corrupt servant of Big Pharma who will further undermine trust in medical science.
This is precisely why I'm leaning in the direction of RFKJr. He has taken a stronger stand against Cooperate - Big Pharma collusion with Government and might clean house in the corrupt FDA, NIH, CDC, DOD Pharma Cartels. Haven't heard much on this from any other presidential candidate. His book on Fauci was a watershed. Jennifer thanks for the head's up.
Anything Fauci says is an immediate red flag; that's what happens when you are a mass-murderer. Thanks Jennifer. Peace.
Let’s hope in this next election we get someone with brains and restructures these corrupt institutions.
Anyone who seeks a position of power should be automatically disqualified. Especially if they desire dominion over life and death.
Thanks Jennifer.
Any legal mechanism in place for an IRS audit for office holders & potential office holders, in the USA's political system?