I have resisted all of the herd-culling theories out there because central planning did not seem likely. This scenario is entirely believable because all it took were doctors and nurses in groupthink and anger acting out that rage on patients. How dare those un-vaxed people come to my hospital! after I did my duty and got all of these shots! These racists are inhuman! WE are the virtuous! THEY must pay. I have seen this group psychology before and I believe it is quite likely it happened in hospitals. These people are going to pay for their malfeasance. This is an important contribution.

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Even some "science based medicine" doctors and other healthcare providers are vulnerable to groupthink and mass hysteria. I know of several very good physicians who refused to see patients if they remained unvaccinated. I know of many MDs who offered Covid patients nothing more than symptomatic therapy and advised "Buy an oximeter on Amazon, go to the ER when it gets below 94" When I asked them what about trying IVM or HCQ they always parroted back that the study showing that those studies proving efficacy against all corona viruses were in vitro and the effective concentrations were too high for humans. FLCCC/early protocol? - a conversation stopper. Doctors have much to be ashamed about and sadly, this will never be addressed by "organized medicine", so it can happen again.

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The money the hospitals made from ECMO was astounding as well. That is not a cheap intervention. On top of the covid incentive money they were already receiving! Wasn’t the group think parroting of the same narrative by the treatment deniers just astounding? Scripted.

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What is astounding is even if the hospital administrators (or even doctors) knew what they were parroting was untrue, they allowed it to continue.

After all, they made money either way and their buddies (Big Pharma, the hand that feeds) would make even more if everyone were jabbed!

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Take a look at the breaking story from CHD this morning. A mother is suing her doctor (who seemed like a vax zealot) MRNA,ing her two teen children against her consent. She told the kids the vax was necessary for school and hit them with the needle while mom was with her baby in the waiting room. Yikes!

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I used to wonder how Hitler got so many people to carry out his evil wishes during WW2. My husband used to say “They flattered the mediocre into thinking they were special and above-average intellect.” I thought it couldn’t be that simple.

Now I’ve seen it, in my own formerly wonderful country. I am heart broken.

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Likely these same ICU docs would argue that the Unvaccinated status was an additional risk factor

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What's worse is that this WAS 134 STUDIES!!!! Let that sink in. Mass formation? Banality of evil? Psychosis plaguing the entire medical community? What? What just happened to humanity? Extrapolating this over into the other failed attempts to use deadly therapeutics and NOT to use other, less lethal ones just blows one's mind! Will humanity recover? I have my doubts. Think about the lockdowns, vax mandates, and COVID vax protocols being suggested for kids under two. Will the madness ever stop? Again, I have my doubts.

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Just FYI, the vent/sedate death protocol was still in use Nov 2022 in the US and it took my sister. Midazolam and 3 other anasthetic drugs.

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Ohhhhh friend!!!!! I am so so sorry. I wondered if the vent sham was still at work and it sounds like it definitely is. This makes me so angry and sad for you and your family and your sister!!!! Rest in peace to her, she did not deserve the treatment they gave her. She should have walked out of the hospital. 😭❤️

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I begged her to initially. Called to say I was on my way when she was sitting in the ER. She said she hadn't wanted to worry me and a Reiki therapist she trusted urged her to go in. Then her first question when I bumped into her visiting Phoebe in the ICU later was "Was she vakked?" and I stupidly answered No before realizing that for sone reason my sister had not told this person that she hadn't gotten jabbed.

The ICU sees a bedridden person and just assumed she had already been an invalid. Her handcane was lost in the ER and when I tried to retrieve I was told there were 7 handcanes in the ER lost and found.

Hospitals are a risk factor.

Addition: to be fair, the hospital Dietitian on my sister's case was quite bad too, but super confident about her skills. Added to the end of my sister by overfeeding her hugely with tube feedings once she was in the ICU. She had been not eating much at all for 2 weeks by that time. Over feeding alone can put someone in a metabolic tailspin. As well as being a high carb balance when a keto diet would have helped. The RD had never heard of a ketone diet for epilepsy either. They stopped talking to me much there. Her husband was the main contact. He was ready for her to go anyway.

Hospitals are extremely dangerous even without CoV death protocols imo.

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I am so sorry for your loss. Even for those of us who understand what has happened it is hard to accept how far we strayed from “primo nolo nocere” certainly in most cases out of groupthink and being trained in today’s medical schools to follow the science-based medicine, and the algorithms and by extension, the peer pressure.

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Thanks. It was horrible. She was isolated for ten days, texted me she could get visitors, and by the time I got there she had already put on the vent and then rapidly sedated " because the lungs were fighting the vent".

They only watch ferritin go up as a marker of inflammation or infection and don't treat it at all.

Same with a cancer team for my dad. "We watch ferritin go up, that is what we do. Treat it? Why?"

"To not kill people sillies."

More recently had to insist on magnesium for hypothermia recovery.

Sorry to say, but "Dr." is really close to "idiot" now in my memory files.

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Cross-posted with this lead in:

WTF???!!?? I mean, seriously. We've heard about crimes against humanity but it looks like Dr. Funtimes just read a police report that brings us right back to a live crime scene. Why did the medical community lose its collective mind during this pandemic (term used loosely)?

Thanks, Dr. Funtimes.

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They were paid big bonuses to do so.

I asked a ER Dr. recently if he would care if the CoV protocols he followed had been written by an AI. It was a nonsequitor but he seemed to not mind tge idea at all. His "protocols" were the most important thing in the room, it seemed. Not the patient. *was not a CoV case though, was a left field question.

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Dear Lord.

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Wow! No wonder I never see a "doctor". The money feedback trails that you have pointed out are shocking. Todays typical "doctor" would do really well in 1930's Germany. What a total shit show! Dr. Harvey Risch is on American Thought Leaders tonight - talking about big pharma corruption. (Epoch.TV) Thanks Jennifer! Peace. :-)

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The in hospital "we will kill you" standard of "care".

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ECMO may even have been unnecessary in most cases. Many patients on their death beds from respiratory failure that were given (prescribed or not) HCQ or ivermectin recovered in hours & went home.

The problem is often not the lungs, but coagulation of the blood which restricts flow through the lungs. Ivermectin & HCQ resolve the sticky coagulation in hours, restoring blood flow and resolution of respiration. like unplugging a clogged drain. Imagine a plumber, instead of unclogging your drain or toilet, hooking up an expensive contraption to bypass the clog for data or weeks until the clog resolved itself.

Avoid hospitals by taking good care of yourself, and educating yourself on alternative treatments and preventative, even curative nutrition and supplements. Hospital, especially when it comes to cancer, can be death traps designed to suck on your bank account until it's empty or you're dead, whichever comes first.

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ECMO may even have been unnecessary in most cases. Many patients on their death beds from respiratory failure that were given (prescribed or not) HCQ or ivermectin recovered in hours & went home.

The problem is often not the lungs, but coagulation of the blood which restricts flow through the lungs. Ivermectin & HCQ resolve the sticky coagulation in hours, restoring blood flow and resolution of respiration. Imagine a plumber, instead of unclogging your drain or toilet and restoring flow, hooking up an expensive contraption to bypass the clog for days or weeks until the clog resolved itself.

Avoid hospitals by taking good care of yourself, and educating yourself on alternative treatments and preventative, even curative nutrition and supplements. Hospital, especially when it comes to cancer, can be death traps designed to suck on your bank account until it's empty or you're dead, whichever comes first.

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