Great post. We have learned so much since the plandemic rollout three years ago. "I can’t get over the fact they call it the I-SPY covid trial. I spy with my little eye a whole stinking pile of corruption and horseshit. " - exactly. The bottom line is, it is a business model, with zero concern for humanity. Peace.

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I wonder if any of the R and D funding is coming from BAR DA

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The DOD and its subsidiaries and proxies weren't mentioned? They have to be in there somewhere, don't they?

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Of course they aren’t mentioned. They aren’t going to “out” themselves! They are 100% involved and funding all of this. Silent partners.

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It would be helpful if you could give a source. I suspect that might be one of Sasha's submissions. There wouldn't be a direct statement of fact by DOD, but I need something that is circumstantial evidence, that anyone reading it would say: Of course they are 100% involved. I think that is one of the more important substack posting you could provide right now; ie, all these companies are dirty, but whose the master wizard? China? Not really. They like to keep their tootsies nice and clean. It's the US at the bottom of this, especially the DOD and Security elements... Oh, why did I say it is so important. At the state level, we have to convince the Executive and Legislative branch that they MUST take back their Constitutional right to manage all things healthcare. Right now they are all feeding off the federal tits, as I have said before. Campaign contributions; nice fat federal grants and subsidies, including Medicare, Medicaid, and all the Covid bucks that was a windfall. They are going to have to wean themselves and the citizens of the state are going to have to activate, knowing that they, the state government and the citizens, are no longer in control: a neferious deep state DOD and Federal Security apparatus is. Agree?

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The Covid R&D Alliance is so much PR, propaganda and gaslighting. Covid has become a trillion-dollar industry, as well as one of the most potent political weapons ever invented. Successful treatments already exist for covid - ivermectin, HCQ, Vitamin D, zinc, quercetain and other protocols developed by Drs. McCullough and Zelenko and FrontLine Doctors. And covid is only 1/10 as deadly as advertised, with overall fatality rates under 0.2%. Hospitalization rates are no worse, but would be far less if the above treatments were delivered early on. The globalist operation continues.

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Thank you as always for your tremendous effort to expose these criminals.

The "speed of science" is in danger of being eclipsed by the "amount of profit".

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Your research and articles are terrific. I appreciate all you do to enlighten people. This is another excellent article.

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When reading this and applying it to the state level, each state will need to skill up to be able to independently evaluate I-SPY for safety and efficacy. From the start the deck should be stacked against the methodology. Don't expect the feds to be protecting the citizens. This is likely highly reliant on some AI technology and questionable statistical techniques. Any responsible state will need those skills and will need to independently evaluate the results, demanding full transparency from the consortium. (Yah, right!) No transparency, no approval for use in the state, regardless of the fed black mail. Which reminds me, states may need to get off the federal tits. Too many strings attached. Constitutional amendment or what so that the strings are not attached? Or is it in the Constitution that you can't put health strings like vaxes on Medicare.

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