
"UNC-CHapel Hill is literally a lab-bench-to-bedside one-stop-shop." (in the context of their quote their "bedside" is referring to a "sick bed" jak)

ralph et al had their hand in remdesivir and now molnupiravir (EIDD-2801)

"Sheahan and Baric who discovered that it ( remdesivir) could also work against all coronaviruses they tested, including SARS-CoV-2. Their studies supported the use of remdesivir in the first U.S. COVID-19 patient."

"A trial led by the National Institutes of Health showed that remdesivir effectively improved recovery times for people battling the respiratory illness, which led to emergency use authorization by the FDA. Now, it’s become a standard of care for treating COVID-19 patients. An analysis from Gilead suggests it reduces the risk of mortality by 62%, an important finding that requires confirmation in additional clinical trials, according to Baric."

So a rather toxic anti-viral designed for use IV use and now mainly used in later stage hospital treatment for covid-19 where there is generally little replicating virus was initially "SOLD" on the basis of a 62% reduction in mortality. The real truth, now, from all I read is that remdesivir increases mortality when used post viral replication phase.

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I am 95% certain that the original design for the covid spike protein was done at UNC chapel Hill. Some may have come out of Maryland, but I think UNC is ground zero for this. Not Wuhan like they want us to believe. Just wait until the people of our country find out that we did this to ourselves on American soil.

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Yes, baric and the chapel hill gang funded by fauci for bio-weapon development under the guise of bio protection / vaccine development

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Everywhere you look, it's graft and dishonesty.

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I really don’t know that we have a single clean place left. Locally, the primary health provider mega conglomerate hospital is as dirty as Vandy is.

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