It's always the guns. I own a handgun because I was threatened by a deranged patient who on the very night that he posted his "I'm going to get you" rant against me on Facebook was arrested for pistol whipping his elderly aunt and uncle. He just now was released from prison. I own it for personal protection. It has been sitting in its secure safe, making an occasional appearance at the gun range otherwise it remains quiet and in the ready. It has never of its own will fired itself at anyone. It has never magically done a Houdini and escaped the safe to lie in wait to shoot a person and then skulk away and hide. All of these shootings are done by deranged individuals who have totally lost all sense of morality and whose consciences are sizzled to the point that there is no moral introspection. It is not the guns. The guilt is on the owner of the gun who chooses to use it for nefarious deeds. This push to ban weapons is just another step to remove all of the hurdles in the way to totalitarian rule. The first thing they do is to take away the guns using the same old playbook of too many shootings. The guns involved in these shootings are unregistered guns owned by hoodlums who have no qualms of conscience in shooting other people. Let's see what spin they put on the two people that were arrested. You just can't believe anything that comes out of the mouth of the media who are the mouthpiece for the globalist agenda.

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It's early and the source my friend shared was sketchy, but said 'immigrant' and 3 teens in custody. If true, we will never get the whole story.

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I was watching the news and saw that 3 people had been apprehended thanks to the efforts of the wonderful people of KC. I also see where at least two are juveniles and this is beginning to look like a local squabble among teens that ignited into a shootout. Very sad indeed. I went to med school in KC and have warm memories of the city and the people. So friendly and helpful. Sad to see this beautiful city tarnished by senseless violence. Praying for the injured and for the family of the woman killed. 😢😢

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Well anytime you gather half a million+ people, there is always a few who try to ruin it for everyone. Royals World Series Parade, no major incidents. I walked from the Plaza to Union Station and was so crowded I didn't see a thing. After that, decided watching it online was a better plan. First Chiefs parade, no major incidents. Second one, a jackwagon drove his car into a crowd, but no one killed. 3rd one probably ruined the parade idea for a lot of families, period.

Supposedly, KC's St. Patrick's Day parade is the 2nd or 3rd largest in the country. Will be interesting to see if goes on this year.

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For sure. Remember walking with my young children and wife through the Plaza and window shopping. It was such a wonderful adventure. Be safe

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Sadly, the Plaza, the most beloved and iconic area in the whole city is teetering on the brink. Gangs of young unsupervised teens on weekends in the summer, severe damages during the BLM protests, and every other group that wants to protest likes targeting the Plaza. Out of town owners struggled and filed bankruptcy, bought last Fall by a group that includes the Hunt family, owners of the Chiefs, sparking some optimism that things will turn the corner. I am not so sure. Lots of deferred maintenance needs, tenant turnover, and the city's failure to address crime and panhandlers are keeping people away. The Plaza lighting ceremony is still a huge deal, but the only time we go now is when we have out of town guests. Many of the unique stores and restaurants pushed out by big rent hikes and now mostly chains that are also in safer and more convenient suburban locations. Sad, I grew up here, and the Plaza was THE event place for things like prom, birthdays, and weddings. Used to go to a lot of business lunches and events there, now mostly in Overland Park.

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😢😢. Urban blight is a cancer that metastasizes to all big cities. I will always see it as it was and remember its glory days. Thanks for the update.

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Well said.

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From what I’ve been able to see so far, it looks like a typical “hood” shooting that the media and government are trying to leverage politically as another “active shooter” event. Sad as it is to say, if you grew up in the black community, these “Boyz in the Hood” incidents happen all too often.

What I found most revealing was how the local officials and police couldn’t seem to acknowledge the heroic role of regular citizens in containing the incident and capturing the perpetrators. In one video I saw, three regular Joe’s tackled and subdued a fleeing perpetrator while a whole platoon of police stood around not far away — apparently preoccupied with something else (not sure what that was — a wounded person or other assailant most likely?) Then afterwards, every question by the media as to the details of what actually happened kept getting deflected and answered with talking points about how great a job the police did. Maybe some did. Maybe not so much, but what actually did happen (who, what, when, where and WHY?) they didn’t want to talk about! 🤯

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Yes that video was all over my feed yesterday (I am in KC area). Can see a woman taking something away, likely the gun, and another video where the cops are arresting the guy and someone saying 'we have the gun' and seemingly ignored by the police. Still not clear if this dude was one of the shooters, but it would seem so. Several pics on X of people in handcuffs, but that happens at every parade. Drunk and disorderly, fights, etc. So them being in handcuffs doesn't mean anything.

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First, this was a terrible, cowardly, and despicable act and those responsible should never be allowed out in society again.

Why was the first action by the Mayor to call for "more laws"? Isn't shooting into a crowd at a public event already illegal? On many levels? We all know why the push is to give The State a monopoly on the use of force. That always goes really well for The State, never for anyone who has something The State wants.

Just another thought on misguided faith... There were 800+Police Officers present at the parade. If that many agents of the law couldn't enforce the laws against committing murder and assault then what good are MORE laws going to to? Other than disarm the law abiding? When seconds count, the Police are minutes away. All of those Police officers didn't save the life of the murder victim. (And it's not their fault.) I pray for her family.

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Yes, I heard '800 police officers'. But there were hundreds of thousands of people there, one source said a million. The weather was good this year and would not be surprised it that number was close to right. Probably half of my friends were there somewhere. 800 is not that many for a million people.

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Not to be argumentative, but I have to disagree. More than 800 Police Officers deployed in a relatively small 16 block area all tasked with crowd control duties constitutes a very dense Police presence. I used to live in Anchorage, AK. At the time Anchorage boasted a population of about 300,000 and one of the highest violent crime rates in the USA. Even with the high crime rate, there were never more than 8 (eight) Officers on patrol. For the Parade, there were 800+ Police Officers all deployed within a linear 16 block area. That's 50 Police Officers per block, or 25 Police Officers on each side of the street per block. Crazy dense deployment. It wasn't enough to prevent something that is already a crime. My point (which I should have spelled out) is that it doesn't matter how dense the Police deployment, the Police were not able to prevent crimes committed by determined offenders. Besides, it is the job of the Police to investigate crimes, not prevent them.

Whatever the answer is, it is NOT more laws or more Police Officers.

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Point taken. Twice as many would likely have not stopped whatever it was that led the 3 or 4 (depending on the news source) criminals to start shooting in a crowd of people. This video is all over my feed, but appears one of the gunmen was taken down by a couple of bystanders, while the camera pans over to a group of PD just standing around?? https://twitter.com/freddy2chains/status/1757917653833011540

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Another false flag to push through gun confiscation.

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Yes, what kind of sick person shoots up a group of kids!? My son works as an usher for the Chiefs and was super excited to get the day off from his day job to work the parade/rally. He was in the VIP area on the west side when all h*ll broke loose, and said he was helping people over the barricades to get into Union Station to shelter only then to hear there was shooting IN Union Station, which I guess turned out to be not true, at least according to the 5 PM KCPD presser. Said it was mass chaos and confusion. Was helping people with panic attacks and a woman having an asthma attack. Talked to his wife last night and said the adrenaline wore off by the time he got home and he crashed and went to bed. He is used to dealing with drunks and fistfights, not shootings. She is a nurse at CMH, says she is sure she will learn more on her next shift. She's on the infectious disease floor, but news travels. She had her arm grazed by a bullet in KC just outside of Westport in Dec in a random drive by. The woman who died is the sister of one of our council people in LS. This stuff getting too close to home -

KC is in bad shape, and the KC Mayor blames guns and Republicans. Not the worthless prosecutor who is more interested in SJW virtue signaling than prosecuting criminals.

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It is horrible down there. I do not go down there at all. I don’t even go to the Plaza anymore. I stick to the south side Missouri suburbs for anything I need to do. Even carrying my self defense weapon I do not feel safe down there.

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I have been known to go the Jackson County Legislature meetings, especially when they take public comments. But I HATE going to the downtown courthouse. Pay to park blocks away and invariably get followed or run across sketchy people wandering around and that is in broad daylight! The only time I am at the Plaza is when out of town guests are here and want to go there, or are staying in the area. (despite my warnings, many are friends and family who used to live here) Most of what is on the Plaza is now chains you can find in safer parts of the city. My daughter & her husband live just east of KU Med and claim 'it's fine' although, also say they are usually home by 10 PM, and that it's 'more dangerous' after that?! Grown kids, what can you do?! She drinks the kool-aid.

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Kids should not be idolizing Kelce. I read he was so drunk on the stage at the celebration he needed to be held up by teammates. Ugh. Disgusting.

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He was PLASTERED. Check this out. https://youtu.be/S8xvAW11f9s?si=4nW12fVsL-v1bFcw

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Yes that is sickening . He has got a problem and this is embarrassing. If Taylor is smart she will call off this farce of a romance. His brand is tarnished.

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Like the shooting in Iowa recently, this was THE WORST THING IN THE WORLD and was an indictment against idiots in red states who love their guns.......up until the exact minute that the identity of the perps got out. Now it will go down the memory hole.

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This is my response to a Bill O'Reilly post today. He called for more draconian punishment, mandatory jail sentences for owners of illegal guns etc. I say active intervention by primarily a vetted, responsible armed citizenry is the only answer to reduce it because it isn't going to get better with any legislation.

"Bill both Dems and Repubs use the gun violence issue as a talking point to achieve political success and pander to their bases. Ramping up punishment sounds good, but prisons couldn't possibly hold all the owners of illegal guns, and Soros DAs will not prosecute, so that's a non-starter. More mental health help is a joke. Start small where it's the most doable and crucial - Install Armed personnel (well trained vetted civilians) in schools and at all local crowd events and widely announce it. Put military snipers at large outdoor rallies. Maybe that will keep most of it amongst gangs, MS-13 and other illegals, drug shootouts where it is simply part of doing business. Legislation is useless."

I'm tired of hearing the same old refrain. Relief of liability for injury to innocents shot at the scene would of course be required.

I think criminals doing a mass shooting should be shot on the spot ASAP because that might save many innocents. Like the Nashville school shooting.

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What a jerk the mayor is. Let's punish those of us who obey the law. That will end this. Possibly the leftist governments should stop dividing people. That may be a place to start. Dollars to donuts finds that the perp was somebody they created with their divisive policies.

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Oh this mayor is HORRID. Completely putrid garbage.

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This breaks my heart to hear this about the Plaza. Years ago I worked at Swansons on the Plaza and always felt proud to work in such a beautiful area. So sad to hear that the Plaza is so dangerous now.

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yeah, I had a huge argument on Zuckerbook about the gun control knee jerk reaction some folks have whenever a firearm crime hits the Nooz.

told dude that if he's actually worried about unnecessary deaths, get bad doctors off the streets, since every year in the US, /admitted/ numbers of iatrogenic deaths are 5x as high as all firearm deaths combined... and yet that never makes the news or has any legislation pushed to end it.

he couldn't handle the argument, tried to sarcasm tag a comment on "blaming trans" and really caught it from me after that pointing out the last two "mass shooters" in the Nooz were girls identifying as boys. he then went buggo with obscenity and name calling, but he's the one who brought up both gun control and trans violence

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