Then at their local trade show, they rent out 3 blocks of the most expensive restaurants and bars and give their customers passes to eat and drink all they want for free! Because that helps the patient. Companies in healthcare or clinical research are supposed to put shareholder wealth behind patient QOL. That used to be the case, many decades ago. Sadly, it is not anymore. Our government has failed every step of the way in almost every industry, allowing monopoly power to run rampant and then taking kickbacks. Think about it, Drugs, distribution, media, technology ... the list goes on and on where giant, powerful corporations, dominate the market, wipe out any competition so they can charge what they want and leave the consumer holding the bag. I would say let's put in an entirely new group of political "leaders" that can break up these awful companies, but they own everything, including the elections. When the 5% dominate the 95% it can only end one way ... war.

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We live in a feudal oligarchy where almost every penny we make goes into the pockets of our feudal overlords. Most of the profits companies make are from housing, rents, insurance and banking fees. Products that we purchase are made overseas except for our defense weapons and lots of the profits that they make goes into the pockets of the government which exists to make sure that monopolies don’t exist like you said.

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Exactly. It is a vicious cycle that has matured, in all likelihood, beyond repair. Election integrity is no longer important. Most are too lazy to care or too rapped up in their own lives. They listen to their MSM masters and go about their lives totally ignorant. You mean I can get a ballot in the mail and just send it in? What could possibly be wrong with that? I love that, because CNN said if I don't, I am a racist.

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I never really thought about the distributors. Thanks for the interesting article.

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It’s pretty simple to see why things went sideways so quickly. When you think about any crisis, real or elevated, you ask the question as to who would benefit.

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Thanks Jennifer. I had no idea. Peace.

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Is there board member /stakeholder cross over between pharma company and distributor company?

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Good question!

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Didn't Steppenwolf have a song about these guys in 1968?

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PBMs next please.

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