Jul 14Liked by Jennifer Brown

That the Biden Administration refuses to provide additional security shows they want more assassination attempts and they want them to succeed.

The Democrats need to employ better marksmen. Stationary target? Multiple shots at 200 yards from an elevated perch? Nicked his ear? Needs more range time.

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No shit, how did he miss? The CIA needs to improve their training ... or put another way, "Needs more range time" :)

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We are now living in Germany 1935. The government is attacking the people with scum people to do their dirty work. They ( the mafia cabal which includes the media) put this into action when they took down the twin towers and Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld were their pawns. They did it to put the Patriot act in place and call their own citizens terrorist. Then they took us to war in Iraq. 9/11 was their excuse. They placed Obama in office and it really began the destruction of our constitution and laws. They are determined to take over America and the world with the WEF and probably China. They will kill Putin along with anyone who gets in their way. We are fighting Satan. The election is rigged. I’m so sad we, the good guys, did not have a real insurrection and save our country from this madness. They will kill millions of us. Gates has said so. Demons are running rampart over our beautiful America destroying it along with us. I think this is the real Tribulation from the book of Revelation in the Bible. Be sure you repent to God. These demons are going to the “Eternal Lake of Fire”. Eternity is a long time with no end. It’s sad how their rebellion against God is destroying us all. Remember being with God in Heaven is amazing -for those who love God. Do not fear.. You will not see any of these demons in Heaven😇🙏🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸🙏🙏🙏

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Jul 14Liked by Jennifer Brown

I am a proud second amendment supporter.and I not only don’t own a gun I do not like them. But it is our right to own them and rights shouldn’t be rescinded.

The conversation that rarely happens is why people feel the need to shoot others? Is it society’s ills or could it be the many pharma injuries and especially the effects of antidepressants. The first mass school shooting happened after Prozac came out. Both shooters were on 'legal' drugs.

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I do believe there is a numbing effect from SSRI’s that can lead to making choices that are unbecoming. On the flip-side, the world should see the trauma that many kids on an SSRI have been through. So it becomes a chicken versus egg: was it the trauma that led to mental illness that led to medications, or the medications because of their trauma and mental illness? I honestly do not know which one it is……..I wish I did. I do know that I rarely prescribe antidepressants in pediatrics. I rarely prescribe antidepressants period. Unfortunately, many patients come to me already on them and do choose to stay on them, which I fully support as patients make their decisions they feel are best for them and I support their autonomy to choose that. It is a tough one though sister. I wish I had better answers for you! ♥️

I cannot fathom shooting a human…..I have never shot anything alive. Just targets. I pray to God that I never have to make that decision. 🙏🏻

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It’s a good question. I had a very violent childhood and gawd knows I had anger issues, but I also had a TBI that made the anger worse. Plus I broke my jaw (face) and it wasn’t set right so I had lots of jaw pain. Both issues led me to drink a lot to cover it up and when I stopped my therapist sent me to a psychiatrist…he prescribed Prozac and next thing I know I was thinking of driving into a bridge abutment. Suicide ideation which I never had before. Stopped it and it went away. I learned to deal with the anger, but when it hits I let it play out…but no physical violence in 40 years. The circle got broken.

I believe that talk therapy helped me more than the drugs did, but not everyone can afford it and insurance would rather people take drugs.

I guess if your patient believe they are helped by them no harm. Or as long as they aren’t suicidal or have murderous intents. I don’t think children should be on them.

I hold therapists in the highest regard. Two of mine helped me in ways I can never repay.

I bet yours feels the same.

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Jul 14Liked by Jennifer Brown

I am appalled at the absolutely lax security.

Obviously, there were no clear, if any, rules of engagement as the police sniper waited for the assassin to fire first as he was unsure of friend or foe.

I have been at (not attended) high security events over the years and have even joked with some of the security as to their "role".

It's all fun and games until the Flying Monkeys show up and you discover security is really not.

Fortunately, they missed President Trump.

Unfortunately, Corey Comperatore was not. Condolences to his friends and family.

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I agree. The security was unacceptable last night. Unexcusable.

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Jul 14Liked by Jennifer Brown

Concern about whether the incident was “real?” is the murder of 2 Trump supporters in the crowd “real?”

Agree with Duct Tape the best way to evaluate this incident is by viewing the excellent video of the entire event. Shows the vapor trail of the bullet after piercing trump’s ear. AI enhanced? Anything is possible in the digital age.

It took over 30 years to view the Zapruda tape And by that time the agreed narrative was secured.

What is not possible is to overcome the distrust we have developed in our 3 letter agencies to report what is “real”

This distrust is the proximate reason why the country cannot be united under either Trump or Biden‘s successor. it is because the deep state will still be in control at least of the narratives and the Lackey legacy video will propagandize the rest of us.

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I am sorry my words above were on the negative point; however, I do believe in miracles . God is in charge, and He is using Trump to help American see what is occurring in our country. Many are brainwashed against Trump, the reality of the situation our country is in, and the evil Biden administration. Lies from DC are rampart. I ask everyone to pray diligently for our country to survive the indoctrination and brainwashing of our children in schools. They are turning children and college students against America. Pray God will save our country and destroy the evil upon us. Amen

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God wins. Every time. ♥️

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14Liked by Jennifer Brown

Whether the attempt was real or not needs to be considered.

In this video the people to the back right of Trump should be reacting to a bullet whizzing past / at them. They are not.


Just as the poster of the above video doesn't think it's real nor does Miri AF.


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Jul 14·edited Jul 14Liked by Jennifer Brown

PD, Don't take this the wrong way, but have you ever been shot at? It isn't at all like what Hollywood serves up. Many don't react because it happens very fast and is not in most people's past experiences. I watched that video and the range of responses is what I would have expected. Some reacted right away. Others observed them and then reacted. The man in blue and the woman in white to the left were totally clueless. They stood there.

By your standards, the Zapruder film would prove that the JFK assassination was faked. The driver kept driving at a sedate speed until someone told him to get a move on.

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Jul 15Liked by Jennifer Brown

some are just happier with their conspiracy theories.

I have seen so much conspiracy and speculation by "arm chair quarterbacks" it makes me sick.

I challenged some ( probably no longer) FB friends, that if they are so sharp and all knowing, how about they apply for the USSS job? I also asked if they are willing to travel all the time, train a lot AND take a bullet for someone else?

They were complaining that the agents were fat, the gal, too short... not considering that they have on vests, guns, often radios of some sort under their jackets. They are humans, they do the best they can in situations we can hardly imagine. I suspect DJT isn't the easiest to guard either. He tends to want to do exactly what he did. Let the people know he is ok and to get his shoes. Gotta love the guy, but he's no help to those trying to take care of him.

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I do think the JFK assassination was faked.


If there's anything you think is particularly convincing about the alleged attempt please let me know.

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Jul 14Liked by Jennifer Brown

It’s interesting to me that in so much of what is being spoken is not from a place of pain or compassion but one of seeking blame. Human Beings have reduced themselves to blame-seeking missiles. That keeps the conversation superficial. This superficiality is killing us. It numbs people’s minds and hearts. Until we ask questions such as: “Where does it hurt?” “What do you need?” “What can I do to help?” we will continue to deepen the divide, to perpetuate disrespect, to villainize and other ourselves to death. Relationship problems are resolved when individuals and groups stop focusing on what happened and ask, “Why is this pattern repeating itself? All humans in the throes of despair need to be comforted and soothed. Comfort stems the flow of fear and provides a safe haven to be seen, heard, and hopefully understood so together their perspectives and wisdoms are the tools used in the building of connections and communication, which is an ongoing responsibility.

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Amen. Well said.

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They have done everything to destroy Trump. They have spoken words out loud about killing him. We are to really believe that a 20 year old amateur was able to sneak through the SS net and almost kill Trump? I mean he should have killed Trump. It was a true miracle. But, I have not heard any witness say they saw him pulling the trigger. This does not smell right. Biden had 5 news conferences in 3 and half years, and 3 in the last 2 days? Something is wrong here. Should we believe these assholes who mandated a poison vaccine and let many millions of illegals into the country? They have repeatedly lied. The only time they told the truth is when many said they want Trump dead.

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Except that the communist left is perfectly happy inciting violence against the right since 2016. They are not interested in unity. It doesn't serve their agenda & it certainly does not incite its useful idiots, the kind they set up to murder a president, and ensured that they shoot him immediately afterwards so he won't talk about his handlers.

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