The Appellate court is about to hear the appeal of the case “the pfizer vaccine is experimental and should not be mandated”
As the lawsuits keep rolling out……this one is being appealed in the 9th circuit court. The lawsuit is against Governor Jay Inslee (Washington) alleging that his mandates for vaccines were wrong, as the covid vaccine was indeed experimental. The basis of the appeal is the lower court said the vaccine was NOT experimental. Uh, what rock have they been living under……it has always been EMERGENCY USE AUTHORIZATION and experimental.
There are 2 other cases in appeals court for this very reason.
Hold onto your drawers! These cases are popping up everywhere now. ♥️
Pretty amazing how a lower court can totally misread FACTS!
This entire debacle has been driven by mis- and dis-information except on the "alternative" (banned) sites (we're all crazies for being real scientists, that is, we ask questions).
The last 3 lines of page 8 in the brief pretty much sum up the reason for this appeal:
"What is Appellees defense? Because a pandemic ensued, they could ignore
the emergency protocols they volunteered to perform, which were designed to
protect Appellants' fundamental rights during a federally declared emergency"
Are inability to discern illogical arguments a side effect of TDS? The Jab? Brainwashing? All of the Above?
I am spending time with a Normie friend, which I seldom do these days because I have trouble attempting to navigate two parallel universes. The biggest challenge we face in my opinion is the normalcy condition because embracing the harsh emerging reality means people would need to change everything about their comfortable lives and that is an impossibility for most people.