Codified mutilation policy for children. Wow. Whatever happened to "Do no harm?" This is disgusting. No doubt Dr. Bruggeman would have been a cheerleader for eugenics back in the day. OK, she is cheering for eugenics in the present. Just a different name. I do believe that the goal of this is to render large numbers of people unable to reproduce. Anyone who undergoes a gender reassignment procedure will never contribute to the future of the species. They want us dead.
First do no harm has become less than a suggestion for many doctors. They have to know by now that the drugs they give kids for gender transition are very harmful and in many cases permanent. If a few years down the line the kids change their minds they will have damaged their bodies beyond repair. And how can kids actually give consent when they don’t understand the risks of permanent damage?
If after they reach adulthood fine, but not until then.
Too bad she did not get her very lucrative gender affirming care (child mutilation) when she was a minor. I suspect had she been brainwashed into being a boy and went through the mutilation, she would have a very different take on this today. Instead, she is the worst of the worst of our society.
Here is an interesting commenton X by an MPH about academics like Dr Bruggeman and others who are participating in this cell of Transgender activitism in the AMA:
I think the motivation for this unethical behavior is insurance reimbursement for the "GAC" (gender affirming care) inflicted on minors by our academic medical centers and for obtaining continued grants to "study" it. As usual the true enemy is within and what better place to look than University medical centers for the promoters. It is certainly a lucrative business model.
GAC is of course a necessary discipline for the many schoolchildren with socially contracted gender confusion - as long as it prioritizes counseling and support of parents and children faced with this dilemma. Giving both kid and parent psychological support to allow enough time for maturation before resorting to hormonal or surgical interventions with permanent effect.
Minors aren't allowed to smoke or drink alcohol, but are being pushed to get radical, life-changing, mind-altering, health-endangering, growth-compromising, body-mutilating trans operations and drugs.
Is this rational? No, it’s depraved, barbaric and utterly psychotic.
How can any rational doctor support an AMA that supports such insanity and barbarism?
The entire Democrat party also supports this insanity.
Codified mutilation policy for children. Wow. Whatever happened to "Do no harm?" This is disgusting. No doubt Dr. Bruggeman would have been a cheerleader for eugenics back in the day. OK, she is cheering for eugenics in the present. Just a different name. I do believe that the goal of this is to render large numbers of people unable to reproduce. Anyone who undergoes a gender reassignment procedure will never contribute to the future of the species. They want us dead.
I highly suspect "Dr." Brittany Bruggeman of the greediest of profit motives.
In no rational world does the mutilation of the natural sex characteristics of a minor -- who is incapable of legal consent -- equal "care."
The AMA should be disbanded.....they should be charged with crimes against humanity and
subjected to trans operations and puberty blockers!
Pediatricians have ALOT to answer for. I wouldn’t want to be in their shoes on judgement day…
First do no harm has become less than a suggestion for many doctors. They have to know by now that the drugs they give kids for gender transition are very harmful and in many cases permanent. If a few years down the line the kids change their minds they will have damaged their bodies beyond repair. And how can kids actually give consent when they don’t understand the risks of permanent damage?
If after they reach adulthood fine, but not until then.
Too bad she did not get her very lucrative gender affirming care (child mutilation) when she was a minor. I suspect had she been brainwashed into being a boy and went through the mutilation, she would have a very different take on this today. Instead, she is the worst of the worst of our society.
Here is an interesting commenton X by an MPH about academics like Dr Bruggeman and others who are participating in this cell of Transgender activitism in the AMA:
I think the motivation for this unethical behavior is insurance reimbursement for the "GAC" (gender affirming care) inflicted on minors by our academic medical centers and for obtaining continued grants to "study" it. As usual the true enemy is within and what better place to look than University medical centers for the promoters. It is certainly a lucrative business model.
GAC is of course a necessary discipline for the many schoolchildren with socially contracted gender confusion - as long as it prioritizes counseling and support of parents and children faced with this dilemma. Giving both kid and parent psychological support to allow enough time for maturation before resorting to hormonal or surgical interventions with permanent effect.
All I can say is follow the money.
Unfortunately, too many do, and blindly.
Minors aren't allowed to smoke or drink alcohol, but are being pushed to get radical, life-changing, mind-altering, health-endangering, growth-compromising, body-mutilating trans operations and drugs.
Is this rational? No, it’s depraved, barbaric and utterly psychotic.
How can any rational doctor support an AMA that supports such insanity and barbarism?
The entire Democrat party also supports this insanity.
Shut their funding off from the government! Another group that's "gone rogue".