Jennifer, thanks for putting this out. This was my first thought as well when I saw this FUD "report" yesterday.

I grew up trusting these people, but events of the past years have proven over and over again they are not to be trusted, and when they put out stuff like this (and M-pox) full of vagueness and innuendo, my BS meter slams off the scale and they are thrown into the proper file.

Their agenda is control.

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How about the person. Were they overweight and diabetic? How old were they. What kind of health were they in. Remember, the corrupt media reported millions of covid deaths that turned out to not be covid. They would have died with the flu. That is how they were able to take control, scare people who were dumb enough to listen to them. I sure hope people learned their lesson and are not taking this BS seriously.

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Your comments are correct but this person is fine...

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My cynicism ratchets up into hyper drive whenever I hear something like this. Especially as we approach this election. I think the worse the polls get for the Democrats, the more likely some "event" will be manufactured to disrupt voting on election day. Vote as early as your county allows! All of these potential epidemics are being set up and whichever they determine we will buy into will be used as the excuse to impose enforced lock downs (marshal law). It doesn't even mater if we all go about our business as normal. The polls will not open, thus no votes for the folks who waited for election day. They want us dead and our votes uncounted.

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All I have to say about them being so secretive, while trying to scare you, = 🙄😑

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“direct measurements of virus in milk from infected cows that has been heated with commercial pasteurization equipment are needed,” Why not do this in the first place? Either the "cheap" widely used (low temp / short time) pasteurization works or it does not work and longer times and higher temperatures are needed. So much "b.s.".

Medical News in Brief

July 12, 2024

Does Infectious Bird Flu Virus Persist After Pasteurization?

Emily Harris - Article Information - JAMA. Published online July 12, 2024. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.12230

Medical News & Perspectives

Bird Flu Update—The Latest on the Dairy Cattle Outbreak

Jennifer Abbasi


In June, the US Food and Drug Administration tested 297 retail dairy samples and found none contained the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 virus, also known as bird flu. But a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that small amounts of the infectious virus still remained in some samples of raw milk that were heated at 72 °C (about 162 °F) for 15 seconds, which is a common way to pasteurize milk in the US.

Image description not available.


It took 20 seconds of heating milk containing HPAI H5N1 at 72 °C to reduce the virus to undetectable levels. In addition, treating contaminated raw milk at 63 °C (about 145 °F) for 2.5 minutes also lowered the amount of infectious virus by a factor of 1010, the researchers found. So heating milk at that temperature for 30 minutes—another common pasteurization method—would “eliminate infectious virus,” according to a press release by the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which sponsored the study.

Because the researchers used raw milk samples spiked with H5N1, “direct measurements of virus in milk from infected cows that has been heated with commercial pasteurization equipment are needed,” they wrote.

Published Online: July 12, 2024. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.12230

note: as with early treatment for covid - SO EASY TO FIND OUT WHAT WORKS from those whose early treatments work over and over again in the real world.

That is if "they" wanted to save millions from terrible covid/hospital death and stop 100's of millions of covid injuries.

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Thanks for posting this. Yes it is very vague, and it gets hyped up to the max. Articles were full of scary bits, but when you look closely there are not many actual facts. Lots of maybes or possibles..

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