And so many years later it’s even worse, so much corruption in the CDC 😡

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I agree. 100% eliminated and banned forever. Peace.

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We would be trending the wrong way, instead of creating more big pharma billionaires, we would be reducing big phama billionaires. We simply cannot have that, those CEOs are just plain better than us common folk. Where would FDA auditors go after the FDA? Board seats would no longer be available so we cannot make them multi-millionaires for killing peons like us. Greed Greed and more Greed. Amazing that these people can live with themselves. I have heard of denial, but this takes it to another level. Thanks again Jennifer!

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Thimerosal was the mercury-containing agent in vaccines but it was used as a preservative in many heath care agents, such as eye drops and contact lens solutions. The thimerosal in contact lens solution caused an inflammatory degeneration of my corneas and left me legally blind when I was 24 years old. Corneal transplants fixed the problem for a while but now the transplants are failing and I am almost blind again. Imagine injecting that same toxic agent into children over and over with vaccines. Thimerosal preservatives are one of the most horrifically dangerous medical mistakes ever made, and they caused much more than vaccine injuries.

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They knew what mercury was doing. They took the mercury out of the house paint in 1978. Yet kept it as an ingredient for use in the "vaccine" mass shootings of children.

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Let's not forget dental amalgams that are full of mercury. Too many health care providers trade in their consciences when they receive their doctorates.

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Good gawd! I could not listen to all of the first video. In addition to doctors ignoring the massive assault on Ben, their treatment of the mother…I just have no words. And of course Pfizer knew that these things were happening to babies and just turned a blind eye as did the FDA.

I declined the Covid jabs when they first came out just because I knew that no one knew if they were safe or not, but I never thought in my wildest dreams that our government could be as deviant as it is. Or is it deadly ? Can’t find the word! Did anyone think that they would ever put a product out that they knew would harm and kill millions?

I also remembered the deaths and injuries of the swine flu and that they finally removed it after 53 deaths. But then we find that Pfizer reported 1,200 deaths in 3 months, but not only hid that fact from us, but continued giving the jabs. And with VAERs blowing up they are still giving them! Yeah I too hope parents are waking up to what the childhood vaccines are doing.

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AIDS is a hybrid of bovine leukemia and visna-maedi virus from sheep... like ebola, it was developed in Uganda during the reign of Idi Amin... by a company that was also manufacturing hepatitis B vaccines for the World Health Organization and still maintains a facility at Ft. Detrick...

Gives a new wrinkle to the infamous "Raid on Entebbe" by the Israelis rescuing their weapon makers?

Eli Hvastkovs... Search... Biochemical applications of ultrathin films of enzymes, polyions and DNA... Genetically modified organisms and the weaponization of agriculture? I retort, you deride.

[On the History tab of the Zika virus product page, it states, Source: "Blood from experimental forest sentinel Rhesus monkey, Uganda, 1947." Name of Depositer: J Casals, Rockefeller Foundation]

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