We could be on the verge of something amazing. Kunstler lays out the hope. Could the empire of lies be about to implode? Keep your fingers crossed. https://oldschoolcounselor.substack.com/p/mr-kunstler-lays-it-out-well-please “What follows from here in this new civil war of truth against untruth is that untruth will lose because untruth is fundamentally unsound and can’t stand on its own. The US bureaucratic blob, like the fictional product Soylent Green, is people. There are, obviously thousands of them, virtually a whole army, guilty of crimes. The whistleblowers are popping out all over now. We’re approaching the magic moment when the whole blob army flips and rats out each other in the attempt to save their asses. Wait for it.”

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Do not comply with your executioners

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What will be interesting will be to see the power of the coastal elite, globalist, uniparty. If this lawsuit goes nowhere, or the appeal is brought before a non-constitutional, liberal appellate court and tossed, we will all know where we stand. They knew their poison was just that. So did HHS and WHO and yet they lied about it, mandated and are still pushing it today, like the bad drug dealers they are. Simply put, profits and wealth meant more than human life. They murdered in mass quantity; do they get away with it?

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It will go absolutely nowhere:



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My litmus test for seriousness continues to be seizure of vials by a state attorney general in order to ensure chain of custody and discovery of the contents versus the stated contents per the manufacturer. Yes we know that supposedly sb40 is in it and DNA particles are there but it can be argued that the chain of custody is not pure in those tests that were run. If they seize the vials to argue in court for criminal charges that is a whole other ball game then and that's when you know it's serious.

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Once again, watch the Motions to dismiss language from Pfizer. Watch to see if they involve doj lawyers or not to help defend them. Unfortunately as Sasha latapova pointed out in her most recent sub-stack Mr Paxton is still using the the wrong legal framework for this. Unfortunately these are medical countermeasures and they are not investigational they are not Pharmaceuticals and therefore they don't require informed consent. 21 USC 360 bbb learn it love it otherwise you won't understand this

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Let's put Paxton in perspective. My position is identical to Ann Barnhardt's:

What politicians do you support?

None. They are all psychopaths and whores. ALL OF THEM. The culture has degraded such that seeking and/or holding office, especially national-level office, is, in and of itself, proof that a given person is psychologically and morally unfit to hold public office.

Another perspective: He is what I call "Bonhoeffer stupid." He does not give a shit about the people he supposedly represents; unless it puts money in his and his friends pockets. He is part of the "group-think" mentality that is so very deadly to anything positive.



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TX lawmakers finally passed a bill introduced in 2021 fining private companies that force vaccine mandates. Now Houston Methodist removed their mandate on Dec 1st. Too bad everything has to move so slowly as the political tide and opinions change but at least we are now moving in the right direction.

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What is interest to me though that Paxton did was initiate a case against Pfizer for the Ritalin drug. The one for ADHD. It appears to be based on faulty manufacturing processes and I'm wondering if they're doing that to set the stage to go after the covid backs for the same thing. Because right now the lawsuit is based on deceptive advertising practices but I am skeptical that's going to go anywhere based on the public health emergency laws unless there's some difference in Advantage due to being filed in the state court level instead of a federal court we shall see.

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It's not a vaccine, it's in emergency use authorization Medical countermeasure which does not require an IRB

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Well said!

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It's a positive step but it is weak. Paxton is unaware of the size of the crime perpetuated by the US Government. His lawsuit is a weak effort because he has not investigated to the point where he truly understands who the criminal really is. Very few people comprehend the size of the coordinated murder campaigns worldwide. Sasha Latypova along with Katherine Watt have written about how clueless "attorneys" really are. They keep going down the wrong, dead-end path because the illegal "legal" laws under EUA makes their approach to case absolutely pointless. Please read this post:


The magnitude of the criminal organization is enormous; it's starts with the money people; most "medical practitioners" are just following orders, exactly like 1930's Germany.

Thanks Jennifer. Peace.

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