A parent's worst nightmare. No way to adequately screen to scale for subclinical diffuse focal chronic myocarditis, and then what can you actually do about it?

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As terrible as this sounds, limit their high intensity exercising. Seems to me that overtaxing the heart leads to sudden arrest. Or, invent a time machine and don't give poison to people at zero risk. What we could do is charge anybody that implemented a vaccine mandate with murder, that may prevent the sheep from ever doing something this stupid again.

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One common sense suggestion - if your child/young adult athlete had severe symptoms after a covid shot, particularly any chest of upper body muscle aches, high fever, tachycardia (often attributed to "flu like symptoms not of any significance"), I suggest a cardiology consult or contact Dr. Peter McCullough/CHD https://childrenshealthdefense.org/ for referral information about specialists in your area. Cardiac imaging could be indicated.

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The wave is no where near the crest. This will get so much worse.

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So very sad and criminal. Thank you Jennifer. I hope you have a peaceful Christmas.

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That is because the original virus left them alone. Also, the elite Globalists know that so many people drank the koolaid (vaccine) that they will never open their mouths, even as their own kids die.

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