Hallelujah!!!! Please let this happen nationwide & test other injectables like anesthetics & IV solutions for the harmful mRNA crap too! Thank you for this great news to wake up to first thing in the morning! God Bless Americans!πŸ™πŸ½

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Good news for a change! We need to support these good people who will be attacked by the Pharma-MIC cartel.

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Oh my. I bet the reprisals will be sure and swift! This must have been an unexpected agenda item. If they had known, the Pharmaceutical Companies would have had Reps at the meeting passing out Porsches to those able to vote. If that didn’t work they would have started kneecapping them. I hope the retaliatory action taken against this board gets reported. Those that want us dead will not give up easily.

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Certainly, this is a huge achievement and shows that government agencies delivering public health products are starting to join a developing β€œconsensus” about questioning Covid vaccine safety.

If we get RFK on a pulpit at the WH a whole lot more will happen in this domain.

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My question is, Why is this stuff being pedaled in the US at all. The ads are still on TV and the damn CDC is still admonishing parents to give it to their babies. DO NOT FALL FOR IT:

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Amazing that there are still people with ethics in the medical complex, I thought that was extinct. πŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰. Thanks for the good news!

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Praise the Lord and hallelujah!

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