Beyond sad. How can anyone even begin to make life easier for these people?

Prison is too easy for these people.

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What a cluster fuck of mistakes by really bad actors. What a terrible waste of a beautiful person. An all too familiar story. All so that corrupt drug execs could get rich and Western politicians can get their campaign coffers filled. As sad as this is, it has happened thousands of times. Look at the comments, just her batch of "vaccine (poison)", had 7 deaths. This continues on as the FDA continues to award these criminal enterprises. What is the difference between these drug dealers and Fentanyl drug dealers? Censorship continues as well. What is it going to take to put an end to this? Almost worth voting for Bobby.

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ALMOST worth voting for RFK, but vaccines are one of the FEW things he get right. I'd rather he be part of an administration.

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So sad and tragic. Lost a friend to a very similar protocol, although she was 60, and this poor girl had her whole life ahead of her. Criminals, all of them! My husband's employer is headquartered in Canada, and they attempted to resume the in person annual sales meeting in 2022, but Canada required the jab to enter. His company never mandated the shot, thank goodness, and they discovered that over a third of their employees were unjabbed. Ended up cancelling the meeting and had a series of zoom meetings instead. Canada dropped the mandate in Sept 22 but by then it was too late to try to reschedule.

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Truly 💔

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