Aug 17Liked by Jennifer Brown

🙏 Thank-you God in Heaven, Dear Lord Jesus Christ, for this win against some of the insanity Satan has brought across the world. We need you now to help us repel this evil around the world, for free people to be free in the face of tyranny. Thank-you again. In Jesus name! Amen and amen! 🙏✝️

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Aug 17Liked by Jennifer Brown

Like the Harris / Biden is going to pay any attention to what the Supreme Court says. Just like with Student Loan Repayment. I wouldn’t get my hopes up. I bet they double down.

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Oh you can be sure they will be baaack. Pedophilia is a multi 100 Billion$ world business. Grooming and loosening of boundaries of "normal" sexuality is essential. The word "pedophile" is sooo last week. Insensitive because they can't help it. Pedophiles are actually the victim. The correct word is "youth attracted."

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No doubt the agenda is normalizing deviancy. Ignoring the Supreme Court would be part and parcel to breaking down the norms of society. Right up the Harris / Biden Administration’s alley. What do you think “I can imagine what can be and be unburdened by what has been” means? Communists always disregard the rule of law. They would rather rule by slogan. Like the good old USSR.

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Rule by slogan. I like it.

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DrGU, as much as I'd like to take credit for it, that is EXACTLY how the Soviet Union was governed. There were no "laws". Laws restrict the government! Instead the Soviets were ruled by a set of vague slogans that could mean anything. No matter what someone did, their actions (or thoughts) could be deemed Counter Revolutionary and thus prosecuted. The only trials were show trials. It was enough to be seen as having transgressed the slogans to be sent to prison without further process. The USSR was NOT a nation of laws. I'm sure this is EXACTLY where the Democrats want to take us. I'm still making my mind up about the establishment Republicans.

I can't resist. Sorry if I'm going on too long. Remember when VW was in trouble for their diesel engines in California. The Californians enacted a law that said that diesel engines must meet certain performance and economy devastating specifications WHILE BEING TESTED. Being Germans, the VW engineers complied with the law. They designed their engines to meet the appalling specification during testing and then return to normal under every day use. Of course VW was blamed and not the highly defective lawmakers. I remember one acquaintance (who self identified as a Democrat) telling me that it shouldn't matter how the law is actually written. VW should have complied with how the law SHOULD have been written. No possibility for Queen Of Hearts behavior there! I no longer associate with this person.

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Aug 17Liked by Jennifer Brown

Praise God from whom all blessings flow…

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BIG WIN against a woke agency that legitimizes "perversion" to be mainstream. God wants us to protect our children--NOT allow men to expose themselves in woman's lockers rooms and bathrooms, not allow men to obliterate women on the athletic fields. Woke is the "upside down world". Thank-you God in Heaven... we need more victories like this one.

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"Suffer the children to come to me" Jesus had a lot to say about this subject.

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Aug 17Liked by Jennifer Brown

My daughter is grown but played sports through high school. If a male decided he needed to share the locker room, he and his parents would be taught a very serious lesson. What is amazing to me is parents putting up with this. Almost as amazing, is anybody supporting these lunatics. Are you just too lazy to think or care? Is that what life is for you?

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That is what I cannot grasp. If a dude walked into the locker room while we were showering after a volleyball game, I am pretty sure every father woulda lined up to escort him out and the police would have been called. And the scary part is the parents supporting this are MY AGE and raised by parents who never would have tolerated this!

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Parents who support this are either deranged or evil. Or too weak to help their child to get the professional help they need.

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It’s the same story with all of these radical changes occurring in our culture.

Moral courage.

It is the “thing” we need most and frankly I admire most.

My simple definition is the courage to do the right thing in spite of known and oftentimes severe consequences. The radical woke mob counts on folks behaving like sheep.

Moral courage is one of the main characteristics I look for in others, but rarely do I find it sadly. Covid exposed this in a big way to me.

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Aug 17Liked by Jennifer Brown

Thanks for bringing us this great news.

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Definitely a step in the right direction.

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