Since in March, 2021, our CDC, FDA, et al had decided to live in opposite world, they escalated to what was *formerly* known as gaslighting, lying, cheating, falsifying - all for profit.

I seem to remember Laura Ingraham already doing an Opening on this subject back in March of 2021.

The horror to me was just how many sheeple there really are!

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$57 million to learn what we "deniers" already were pretty certain of by then.

I've been alive since the 50's and sure, viruses can make you sick, but most recover.

Death by virus is still not in the top ten.

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Were they even being infected with a virus? Did they culture and properly isolate the virus in order to give it to others, or was it merely genetic material that was found through some sort of test?

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Can you imagine ever thinking man does something better than nature? They lied and said vaccine immunity was far better than natural immunity. Many of us knew, as soon as they said that, that covid itself was a lie. Remember, the 2019-2020 flu season killed 80,000. Remember, we have never isolated and seen a virus. Many believe we use "virus" for pure fear tactics. I am beginning to believe that and many other conspiracy theories. Hard to conduct a covid study when the participant has natural immunity.

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Why, why, why ??? Why was I fired for refusing the jab? Why are they fighting me claiming “undue hardship”??? This is so aggravating.

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Aaaaaand the revelations just keep on a'coming.

The study began on May 1, 2021. The initial phase took two weeks. By June or July of 2021, there was relevant and timely data on natural immunity that challenged the narrative.

For some reason, that data wasn't made available to the public for three years.

Gosh, I wonder what that reason was. Oh, it must have been a perfectly good reason, I'm sure.

No Amnesty

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I don’t understand the brain of people who would sign up for this trial. Seriously how much money would it take for you to do it?

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Makary at Hopkins did a series of articles in the WSJ about the robustness of natural immunity. Others researchers who were not compromised by Pharma and "political" science, pointed out that vaccine mandates should not be required of those previously infected and good studies were done to document the levels of natural immunity. Of course once the multiple boosters were unleashed, ADE takes charge and the risk of reinfection goes up. Not to worry the Mrna jab will protect you from "serious illness or death."

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