Congrats on the new bikes, and thank you for taking a stand! Never owned or even rode a bike but there are many opportunities to vote with our wallets, and wish more would do the same. I've jettisoned Target, AMZ and concert venues that pushed the jab to name a few.

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Absolutely!! I haven’t been in a Target in forever and will never go back!! Vote with our wallets!! Proud of you! ♥️

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Beautiful bikes. Viva the Revolution!

Sorry about the edit, but I was having trouble recalling this. This all sounds so familiar. Remember when the Clinton Administration put forth their "Smart Gun" proposal? The firearm would only operate for "authorized" persons. They needed legitimacy. Enter Smith & Wesson. They signed on to the proposal. I sold my Smith & Wesson revolver as soon as I heard. So did a lot of other folks I know. I still won't own a Smith & Wesson. You would think CEOs and Board Members would take heed of the lesson here. I guess you don't have to be stupid to go WOKE, but it helps.

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Go woke go broke.

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Those are beautiful. I think mine needs to go too. But I won’t buy another. The drivers are a bit scary out there. Love you girl

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Your bike is so gorgeous!! But I totally get it…….sometimes you just know in your heart it is time to say goodbye. KC drivers are AWFUL! And they keep getting worse!!!!!! Love you sister! ♥️

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Glad y’all made the hard, but necessary decision to move on from unapologetic HD. They obviously took money from globalist NGO or someone. And they’re not sorry because those in charge have zero principles. The money they accepted was more important than their loyal customer base. How sad is that? These corporations need to know when to say no to the payoffs to push an agenda that destroys our beloved country.

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I admire LIVING the courage of your convictions. BRAVA & BRAVO on making your "transition" as a couple.

Land of the free, home of the brave!

(p.s. Custer had it coming!)

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Beautiful 🩶 From a BMW rider (that’s me) to a now Indian rider (woo hoo! Congrats!), I can’t wait to see what new memories you create as the HD chapter closes (I know it’s weird!). Also get your butts to Arizona!

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Excellent decision.

Woke should be punished at every turn, until they realise that it's financial suicide.

And also pathetically stupid.

I no longer watch television, nor buy from companies that insist on ignoring my demographic by incessantly promoting every other ethnicity or persuasion.

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Congratulations 🇺🇸🤍🇺🇸

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I watched this movie https://www.imdb.com/title/tt21454134/ couple days ago and I was thinking about you. I had some neighbors that moved from SC couple years ago they love riding and probably they feel the same way about Harley Davidson.

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I am not on facebook, but friends keep sending me screenshots of harley owners trading for Indian. We were not the only people trading Harley for Indians on Friday at the dealership we were at. This is a massive disaster for Harley.

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As always, a great piece.

Hard but right decision.

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Now you need to bring the new bikes to this event. It's an amazing 4 days for anyone who loves motorcycles.


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