Early after the vaccine rollout 2 pathologist at the University of Pittsburgh, one of them a medical examiner both on faculty reported very convincing data the death of three children with acute myocarditis autopsy confirmed within 21 days after vaccination one of them died within two days.

I posted this on X numerous times got numerous people making comments until those posts were suppressed and they were tagged with the usual flag referring me to the CDC website regarding Covid.

The same thing happened when I posted the convincing data that came out of Lund university in Sweden regarding reverse transcription into the genome of humanized liver cells in tissue culture.

The forced vaccination of children is absolutely the worst thing that was ever done with the vaccine. There is no telling how many will later have cardiac dysfunction or even heart failure requiring major intervention due to focal chronic diffuse myocarditis. Apparently, the sudden deaths on athletic fields and of airline pilots has lessened.

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Does this mean when the data is scrutinized, all the "Experts" will be proven to be paid base fellows?

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You might want to read the research paper listed at the top of the post before you comment. Otherwise, your comment is irrelevant. Hang in there Patris, it takes time to learn how to understand statistical data, but being interested is the first step.

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This proves nothing. At all. Myocarditis occurs in populations of adults and children despite modern healthcare practices. How large a sample was used in these ‘studies’ is the question. That matters. And the incidence absent the vaccine.

Not arguing the efficacy. But reference and give details when you publish your conclusions. What are your credentials? Thanks.

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