Oh my. This made me cry a little. I am so worried for us all. My husband and I were discussing last night that it also appears to us that people are aging must more rapidly. People we know in their 60’s and 70’s and who have been vital, active and cognitively sharp for years are suddenly not sharp, gait is off, skeleton is hunched and shrinking. Its frightening honestly.

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Oh my gosh, yes!!!! I see people my age and I am Iike gosh, they aged 10 years in the last 2 years! The older generations are abnormally aged: brain fogged, forgetful, facial features are sagging, as you said hunched over, it is just sad.

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"Just delivering the truth, one day at a time" - Thank you Jennifer. Have a peaceful weekend.

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How many more amazing coincidences will we endure before the delusional FDA and cdc admit there is an issue which needs studying?

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Seems to me they're mad at themselves and at their gods in government and the press for being so gullible. Since the won't let themselves be wrong, they are anxious and mad: reality doesn't fit their model. Plus those other losesome people, those knuckle dragging maga hat wearing neanderthals might have been right.

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I wonder why Dr. Slater took 4 doses of the jab after suffering symptoms from the first one? I see quite a lot of people doing that and wonder how they rationalize doing it. Pressure from their work or doing it because of the massive propaganda they were exposed to?

I’m very sad that millions of people have had their lives ruined and that so many doctors treat them horribly and just say that they have anxiety. I went to the ER 6 times a few years ago with symptoms of a heart attack and extremely high blood pressure, stroke range and since most of the tests came out normal I was told it was just anxiety. Doctors would ask me questions as they addressed the wall and would walk out as I was answering them. I finally figured out what was causing the symptoms and healed myself, but still have lasting effects. Yeah I have lost all faith in the medical system. I’m not alone.

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I'm retired now, but used to specialize in treating OCD patients in my later years of practise. I have noticed that friends of mine who previously I noticed to be on the OCD spectrum, are now struggling with full-blown OCD symptoms which are impairing their functioning. I also notice some of my jabbed friends having memory problems (in their 50's and 60's) though they aren't suffering from mood disorders.

My oldest sister (65 yo), who had a genius IQ, and photographic memory, got jabbed with her husband down down in New Caledonia where they lived. 5 months afterwards, he died of a sudden heart attack, and a month later she was admitted to hospital in Australia in an almost catatonic state, with difficulty speaking. Her MRI was normal, but as her symptoms improved she had obvious cognitive deficits, with episodes of paranoia. She spent 2 months in hospital, then was brought back to Calgary by her son. A year and a half later, she is still living in an assisted living facility, and needs help accessing her e-mail. I should note that she was previously extremely healthy and fit prior to this "brain injury".

We unfortunately aren't close, so I wasn't able to speak to her doctors. All they have told her son is that it isn't a dementia, but she has "cognitive deficits". They give no explanation as to what caused those deficits. I spoke to Dr. Makis, and he agreed with me that if she had diffuse microvascular injuries, it would likely take several years for scarring and brain shrinkage to show up on an MRI.

I suspect all these psychiatric symptoms and personality changes that people are reporting, may be due to the lipid nano-particles crossing the blood-brain barrier. Spike protein is being produced in the micro-vasculature of the brain causing diffuse inflammation and injury. The prefrontal cortex would be especially vulnerable to damage I would think.

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I included your article in my next post. I do not know how to give you the link as my post is set to come out 11/22 @ 5:00 AM

If this is a problem, please let me know and I will take it off my post.

Good article by the way.

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As a problem-solver I am thinking about how the healthy community could support the deteriorating population. I would think that healthy coalition would need to form and organize as a coalition.

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