Mar 1Liked by Jennifer Brown

Just like Paxton in TX suing the NGO’s engaged in illegal human trafficking. So what? These are serious felony crimes. Until state AG’s start arresting and prosecuting them for the crimes it is just political theater. Lawsuits aren’t going to do anything.

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Amen. Action needs to happen.

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This is just another source of revenue for PP. Remember, these sick f**ks get paid for:

1. Abortion Fee

2. Federal Subsidy for abortion

3. State Subsidy for abortion

4. Pharma sales of aborted fetus tissue, stem cells and other parts (dependent on stage of abortion)

5. Under the table fees by all sorts of NGOs and other groups

All being enabled by world governments. Never before has killing humans been so profitable. Add to that list "referral fees".

Regardless of your religion or beliefs, at some core level, everybody must know this is wrong. You want to know how many babies have been killed in or barely outside the womb?

1.5 Billion! - Sick to your stomach yet?

Of course the number 1 group for abortions: African Americans. If you are looking for racism, that may be a good place to start.

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Rules, regulations and laws are meaningless unless they are enforced.

The 800 pound gorilla knows this which is why it laughs.

Time for the enforcers to cage the gorilla!

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Nice to see PV doing some good in the world! When they booted founder James O’Keefe after he revealed some damning info about Pfizer, I figured they were too captured to accomplish anything of import.

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Wow, someone is FINALLY doing something about this? When I was a Fed, I was loosely associated with Airport Security in Alaska. I was NOT one of the folks who felt up Grandma at the Security Checkpoint. Human Trafficking Prevention came into vogue sometime in the 2007 - 2010 range. We all had to complete training to spot situations likely to be human trafficking. I got into big trouble when I pointed out that the blatantly overt activities of Planned Parenthood met every definition we had just been taught.

I'll describe what was happening so you can judge for yourself: Planned Parenthood operatives would show up at the airport with underage "clients". They would have tickets reserved and would whisk them through security as fast as possible. The Planned Parenthood operative and "client" would be moved to the front of the security line by Federal Employees. They did this because if the parents showed up, they could not pass through Airport Security without a boarding pass or other credential. So the Planned Parenthood operative (an unrelated adult) would then accompany the underage "client" out of State (Seattle, WA) without the parent's permission for the purpose of undergoing a surgical procedure to which the parents had not consented. So many Federal and State laws broken.... There were documented instances of Planned Parenthood not assisting the underage "clients" to return home to Alaska. They were turned out on the streets of Seattle. A Planned Parenthood operative told me that if they convinced a "client" to stay in Seattle then the operative would get part of the air fare as a bonus.

At least 2 Federal and one State agency actively assisted Planned Parenthood in kidnapping these underage pregnant women. After opening my big mouth at the initial training course, I was awarded a certificate of completion for the entire series and told not to come back. Your tax dollars at work. Viva Andrew Bailey!

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I don't want to believe this. I can't believe this. 😱

But if what you say is (at least) mostly true, the indigenous people have one more investigative alley to find missing girls.

Airline manifests would be damning but who ya gonna call?!


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When I observed this phenomenon, (approximately 2007 - 2010) the options for obtaining an abortion in Alaska were limited. Like many medical procedures, patients had to "go outside " to get treatment. "Go outside" is how Alaskans referred to leaving the State. And one went "outside" to The Lower 48. All a matter of perspective.

This is not like some cop drama on TV. Airline manifests are not kept in perpetuity. There is a mandatory time the airline must retain them and make them available to investigators. As with all other records with a required retention period, the airlines generally destroyed those records as soon as they were allowed. In that time frame passenger records had to be kept for less than a week. That may have changed, but I'm fairly certain they are still only retained for a relatively short period and are not available to just anyone who wants to see them. I suppose the manifests could be reconstructed by searching the customer service data for the airline. I don't see any airline allowing just anyone access to their customer loyalty information. They treat that information like the gold it is.

And finally, thanks for calling me a liar with no evidence to back you up. Jerk.

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Mar 2·edited Mar 2

1) Thx for reminding me that writing is often misunderstood.

2) i 'liked' your calling me a jerk because of point (1).

3) I worked at a major US airline for over 20 years and had access (with NDA), and indeed, 'things changed' after 9/11 regarding record-keeping.

4) i completely agree that life is not a stupid tv cop drama, nor is it a window to anything anymore. It's sometimes entertaining but usually morally bankrupt.

5) I've read the investigative reports about heinous illegal and immoral abortion provider deeds.

6) Remoteness can be literal and/or figurative; my own isolation makes me: sensitive to outside injustice, overly sarcastic, and incredulous as to the inhumanity of behavior.

7) Finally, I am Native American (Not like Elizaputz Warren), so my concern for the MYRIAD problems we all face (not just minorities) is sincere, conflicted and frustrated.

My intent was to convey agreement in an 'OMG shocking!' way to the Transportation Process of Pregnant Alaskans with full gusto: "don't want to believe this. I can't believe this. 😱"

Your defensive nature assuming i was calling you a liar is a tell, that your life is no picnic.

Sorry i hurt your feelings.

Peace and bless you.

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That puts an entirely different light on it. Thanks for explaining. I foolishly interpreted your comments as referring to my honesty instead of the horrible tragedy of the situation described. I've had people tell me that my observations were not valid before. Sorry about that.

The situation was/is shocking. I was mortified by the shear number of those complicit. How can killing babies not be evil?

I understand now how clever your screen name is. My hat is off to you. That rocks!

Sorry I didn't see that we were shoulder-to-shoulder on this from the start.

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I canNOT “like” this post, but thank you for sharing this. We must be aware of evil to fight against it! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

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