It’s hard for me to follow the information in this post, but my takeaway is that Pfizer used an alternate vaccine for employees and their families. I have noticed concerning these so-called hot batches, that side effects and deaths sometimes seem to cluster. Keep exposing the truth Jennifer. Great job!

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That was my take as well.

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The deployment of the mRNA jabs bears no resemblance to the historical methods of introducing a vaccine into the populace. Every element of this drama has turned out to be secretive and dishonest. These jabs were not uniform, and we may never know what numbers to attach to their variety. Probably a third to a half of them were saline/inert because they needed a generous cohort of the citizenry to proclaim them OK. This was a mass experiment in biowarfare and we are not privy to the test results ─ other than observing the maiming and killing of our loved ones and acquaintances.

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Just waking up and downing my first cup of coffee but was compelled to cross post this piece with this intro:

"Jennifer Brown has been developing a sound reputation of disseminating useful and truthful material throughout the pandemic and its aftermath. This Substack offering, although not fully vetted by me as I share it now, will hopefully reflect the validity of her impressive body of work."

As a victim of a lacunar infarct ("stroke" associated with the ventral posterolateral thalamus which sits atop the brain stem--I'm fine; save your prayers for others) and my neurologist's inference that it could be from a "vaccine" injury (Pfizer batches EN6204 and EW0162), I am constantly monitoring howbadismybatch.com for changes in the VAERS data regarding adverse effects from the mRNA gene transcription platform with its spike glycoprotein payload. When I first did a search months ago (shortly after the infarct), deaths alone were in the high 70s. Now there are over a hundred as I type this. Guess I got a "bad" bad batch. A "good" bad batch is one that doesn't "work" as intended so, ergo, no injury, I'm contending (without documentable evidence). Thanks, Jennifer! You just filled out my daily agenda! I've got some links to investigate. You may wish to cross post this one, people.

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Thank you for the kind words my friend!!!!! As a victim of this, you are the reason I speak out as much as I can. There are far too many in your situation and it is not ok!!!!!

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How do we even know if the employees actually received their “clinically manufactured doses”? Are we supposed to actually TRUST what these scumbags say at this point ? They can provide any data they choose and say whatever they want and there will be no repercussions. If employees received ANYthing in a syringe injected into their deltoid muscle at this point I’d wager it was saline.

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They obviously couldn't kill everybody at once. Therefore most of the "vaccinated" got the placebo and other, less fortunate, got the real deal. They now have all the data they need to perfect the kill shot. Until we stop them...

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So they gave their employees the Astra Zeneca jab which they had tested but hardly used their own product which they didn't test. Stinks of something doesn't it?

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This is critical information. Hopefully, we can one day get the commercial-jabbed to turn on the special people. I believe many professional athletes in the US got fake cards via not so secret agreements with their leagues. We should have seen more injuries and deaths.

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Thanks very much for more useful insights for Australia.

Note the TGA still has some Endotoxin testing of Batches listed as "In Progress"




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Thank you Jennifer. Exposing another massively implicated & outrageously wicked layer of the govtards & the evil megapharmas duplicity.

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