I’m in Kentucky, my husband going through an alarming experience. I read to him that story two weeks ago, he went to check his drivers license/real ID and discovered that the new recently issued (via on-line)drivers license was marked as an “organ donor”. His birthday was in September and we decided rather than stand in line or schedule an appointment in the future (3-4 weeks out), he would complete the online form to get his license updated since it was expiring. Filled out the form, marked NO for “organ donor”. Finally received his license back through the mail and moved on until that story came out. He double checked and his license showed YES to organ donation. Now he’s going through hell trying to get it changed as indicated on the form, of which via a phone call they confirmed it was a clear NO! I don’t like the world we are living in right now. Evil is alive and well.

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Me neither. I'm having surgery next week and had to say whether I would accept a blood transfusion "if it was necessary to save your life." I asked if they could take some of my own blood and use that. They said I had to ask a month ahead of time and pay numerous fees for that "privilege." It's a reverse arthrooplasty of the shoulder, so perhaps the possibility of a transfusion is not significant. And I'd be dead either way, so I had to say yes. Shouldn't a jab-free person be entitled to clean blood?

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“They“ have really put us in a predicament. I know two people that have had surgeries recently, and they both had to sign a waiver, saying no to blood transfusion or yes to blood transfusion and that if they wanted to use their own blood, it had to be requested a month before, and you had to pay for all of the testing of that blood in order for it to be used just in case. Who’s to think they would actually use that blood anyway.

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So many professions have lost their way when it comes to ethics. 🙄

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As I recall, even though the "unvaccinated" were removed from and denied a place on transplant waiting lists, hospitals had no compunction about pressuring grieving families to donate their unvaccinated loved ones' organs.

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It’s not just brain death that is being questioned, but also euthanasia and how peaceful it is. Some people linger for days and then they wake up and describe what they went through.

I have had to put down every one of my dogs and I thought it was the right thing to do and it was peaceful. One dog screamed and screamed and tore my heart apart. Sadly every one of them got cancer…..

I cancelled my organ donation after reading your previous post on it. Thanks!

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Very wise - all my family members removed ourselves some years back

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Life imitates Monty Python.


They want us dead.

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"You're not doctors, then?"

"No. Just doing our job."

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"Don't worry, no one with a liver taken by us has survived!"

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The cabal have hastened the commodification of EVERYTHING. We must hold Christ in our hearts and minds and remain steadfast. “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.”

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Through the years I've heard of instances where a supposedly dead person woke up in the morgue. They wouldn't have if they'd been organ donors. Because of that, I haven't caved to the pressure to be an organ donor. Additionally, I don't trust a hospital enough to have an advance directive. As the covid scam was clearly intended to decimate a large portion of the population, I think my cynicism was vindicated.

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A very personal decision. Good to know what's going on; however, it still remains true that there are some lives extended by organ donation. A person may have already received a covid shot rather than it being the reason they got one (stats say that was most likely the case than the exception). If there are no organs getting donated, then there's no chance for it, even as waiting lists are growing. If the tables are turned, and you yourself needs an organ because of virus, car crash or etc, then you have less options. With less organs donated, there will be an even greater push to clone or grow them. But again a personal decision that perhaps a living will or directive can help clarify details of wishes.

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Dr. Paul Byrne was trying to warn us for years as to the hidden evil actions of donor donations . Dr Byrnes has been a champion for ProLife as a pediatrician and then became a neonatologist to save babies. His efforts are nothing short of saintly. I just bought the paperback about him for a hideous price but I do admire him I felt it was a way to pay homage to a physician who embodies the oath to Do No Harm. He is a prince among men I encourage all to seek his videos on YouTube if they have not taken them down. Donations are another evil gaslighting by giving life. As the cliche goes follow the money and the eugenics movement! The book Paul A Byrne Defender at Life Amazon had the nerve to charge upwards of 60.00 Abe’s was even more expensive! God Bless Dr. Byrne

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