Another conspiracy theory proven correct. In 2021 when the shots rolled out they ran headlines like anti-vaxxers have a dangerous theory called “natural immunity.” Catching covid may be the least of the issues for the vaccinated. My husband has a 35 year old fit co-worker that had a heart attack yesterday. He woke up in the hospital with no memory of the event - fortunately his wife was there to call 911. Seems to be an awful lot of heart attacks, aneurisms, and strokes in people under 60.
They had to run with this narrative because otherwise the calculation was "Am I worried about catching covid?"
Obviously when you allow Americans to make their own risk assessments, many (most?) would simply choose to get the virus instead of getting vaxxed. (Which is exactly what I did -- I TRIED catching it, but it took me 20 months and an infected vaccinated friend)
Got COVID early on. Repeatedly exposed myself to COVID again over the next several years. Never got it again. Had I been stupid enough to listen to globalists and got vaccinated, my immune system would have been shot and also my natural immunity. That became obvious early on. This was done intentionally, make no mistake about it. There will in all likelihood never be any consequences to pay because the people who got vaccinated simply don't care. They are the victims and if they don't care, that is on them.
There is a test at Labcorp, which is like $10. It is called the Quant AB test. It measures your COVID antibody levels. I have taken 4 of them, usually a month after another exposure. It is amazing to see how the body creates antibodies after exposure, even several years out from my initial exposure.
I had Covid and recovered,,showed my former employer a blood test where the antibodies were present in my system 8 months later ( took another test 6 months later, still there), didn’t matter. Got the axe anyway. This table will help with my lawsuit.
I still am gobsmacked by the baloney that people swallowed whole ( and which they would have laughed at if the tv told them to a year earlier) ...No such thing as natural immunity 🙄AND “here plebe, sit in this circle painted on the grass to stay safe from the germ.” They would do it all again too.
I think what Ive learned from all of this is that sanity , truly organized and rational cognition is a precious thing and not nearly as common as I once imagined . Even in people who on the face of it present as sane.
An individual can appear to think quite rationally with self awareness on a few subjects but then fall victim to disreguiated emotionally based reactive beliefs about another topic.
More people have these hidden dissociative aspects to their personality than I ever knew or even suspected before. In layman’s terms we would have called this peoples blind spots. Imho the reality is that the blind spots are something quite a bit more dangerous because as people seek to protect themselves from pain and fear with their screwed up thinking , they will do hideous things to their fellow humans.
I assume much less rationality from others these days.
I agree. We, in the West, have allowed through our own unexamined weaknesses sociopathy/psychopathy and all of its Cluster B subcategories to become the operating, behavioral norm. We have been manipulated through ‘empathy’ and ‘kindness’ to disavow our God given sense of disgust and outrage that protects us from evil.
Another conspiracy theory proven correct. In 2021 when the shots rolled out they ran headlines like anti-vaxxers have a dangerous theory called “natural immunity.” Catching covid may be the least of the issues for the vaccinated. My husband has a 35 year old fit co-worker that had a heart attack yesterday. He woke up in the hospital with no memory of the event - fortunately his wife was there to call 911. Seems to be an awful lot of heart attacks, aneurisms, and strokes in people under 60.
They had to run with this narrative because otherwise the calculation was "Am I worried about catching covid?"
Obviously when you allow Americans to make their own risk assessments, many (most?) would simply choose to get the virus instead of getting vaxxed. (Which is exactly what I did -- I TRIED catching it, but it took me 20 months and an infected vaccinated friend)
Got COVID early on. Repeatedly exposed myself to COVID again over the next several years. Never got it again. Had I been stupid enough to listen to globalists and got vaccinated, my immune system would have been shot and also my natural immunity. That became obvious early on. This was done intentionally, make no mistake about it. There will in all likelihood never be any consequences to pay because the people who got vaccinated simply don't care. They are the victims and if they don't care, that is on them.
There is a test at Labcorp, which is like $10. It is called the Quant AB test. It measures your COVID antibody levels. I have taken 4 of them, usually a month after another exposure. It is amazing to see how the body creates antibodies after exposure, even several years out from my initial exposure.
You are correct: The people who got vaccinated simply don't care.
Until they are on their deathbeds.
And then they are adamant to declare it was not the jab, because, after all it was "safe and effective!".
Facts be damned.
I had Covid and recovered,,showed my former employer a blood test where the antibodies were present in my system 8 months later ( took another test 6 months later, still there), didn’t matter. Got the axe anyway. This table will help with my lawsuit.
I still am gobsmacked by the baloney that people swallowed whole ( and which they would have laughed at if the tv told them to a year earlier) ...No such thing as natural immunity 🙄AND “here plebe, sit in this circle painted on the grass to stay safe from the germ.” They would do it all again too.
The good news is, we know who is against us.
Covid brought out the worst in people. We are called to forgive. We must never forget.
Treat them as you would one who molested your child.
Family and friends whom I had considered "smart" or even intelligent are now the biggest A%%H$$$s out there.
Even Neil DeGrasse Tyson's brain cells are hindered from logic when he discusses Covid.
I think what Ive learned from all of this is that sanity , truly organized and rational cognition is a precious thing and not nearly as common as I once imagined . Even in people who on the face of it present as sane.
An individual can appear to think quite rationally with self awareness on a few subjects but then fall victim to disreguiated emotionally based reactive beliefs about another topic.
More people have these hidden dissociative aspects to their personality than I ever knew or even suspected before. In layman’s terms we would have called this peoples blind spots. Imho the reality is that the blind spots are something quite a bit more dangerous because as people seek to protect themselves from pain and fear with their screwed up thinking , they will do hideous things to their fellow humans.
I assume much less rationality from others these days.
After WWII, articles were written regarding the 'banality of evil'.
I would submit evil wants banality. It craves banality.
Right now, we are living in an age where evil is demanding 'peaceful coexistence'.
There is only one solution - and it is neither peaceful nor coexistence.
I agree. We, in the West, have allowed through our own unexamined weaknesses sociopathy/psychopathy and all of its Cluster B subcategories to become the operating, behavioral norm. We have been manipulated through ‘empathy’ and ‘kindness’ to disavow our God given sense of disgust and outrage that protects us from evil.
Thanks Jennifer. Never hurts to revisit truth & real information.